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to the screen. He didn t know what he d expected to see, but it sure as hell wasn t this.
There was Wren, up against the door of Joe s apartment, wearing the same dress she d
had on last night. She was thanking Joe for something, then Joe was running his hand
down her arm as she shivered. With revulsion, or desire? Her face was maddeningly
unexpressive, but she made no move to push Joe away.
The tape played on and Austin watched in horror as Joe began to put his hands on
Wren, touching her in places that Austin had vowed no other man would ever touch
her. He felt sick, nearly blinded by rage, waiting for the slightest signal from Wren that
she didn t want Joe to touch her, that he was forcing her to submit to him somehow.
When that sign came, Joe would regret the day he was born, let alone the day he
decided it would be a good idea to film the women foolish enough to enter his
Then the unthinkable happened, Joe moved his hands to her breasts and began to
roll his hips against her. Austin watched in horror as Wren closed her eyes and let out a
single word.  Please. Her head tilted back as Joe began to move his hand underneath
her dress, his repulsive fingers probing Wren, his Wren. Austin felt his stomach clench
and bile rise in his throat.
As abruptly as it began, the movie on the screen froze, the image of Wren with her
head thrown back in pleasure taunting him from the glowing monitor. Austin groaned
low in his throat, a sound a wounded animal would make, before he slammed his
hands down on the desk, closing his eyes as if he could blot the scene he had just
witnessed from his mind forever.
 Where s the rest of it? Austin finally asked over his shoulder through a clenched
jaw, unable to look in Joe s direction for fear that he might destroy him with his bare
hands, despite the fact that the other man hadn t forced Wren to do anything. The
jealousy that surged within him frightened him. He felt driven to the edge of madness
by the idea that another man had put his dick inside Wren, had made her moan with
desire and release as her body pulsed around his cock.
 That s it, Joe said cautiously, no longer seeming nearly as cocky, apparently
sensing that he was still a small misstep away from being beaten within an inch of his
life.  I erased the rest.
 You erased it? Austin asked, the disbelief clear in his tone. Why would a pervert
like Joe film himself with a woman only to erase it later? It made no sense.
 Yeah, I& uh& felt bad.
 You felt bad? Austin repeated, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he finally
turned to glare at Joe across the room.
 Yeah, I did, man, Joe pleaded.  I really liked her, you know. And I felt bad about
the other day and so I erased it. I just kept that part as a reminder.
 You re going to erase it now, Austin whispered, moving away from the computer
and gesturing to Joe to make quick work of disposing of the footage.
 Hey, it s my video, Joe whined, crossing his arms like a defiant two-year-old.
 Filmed without her knowledge or consent, Austin said softly, his tone menacing.
 I believe that s a crime.
 Right, you re right. I ll erase it. No problem, Joe said, moving to the computer
and trashing the file in seconds flat.  There, it s done, no hard feelings.
 No hard feelings, Austin said, glad that the look on his face wiped Joe s tentative
smile from his face.
 I mean, it s not like I don t have my memories, Joe said, his tone just the slightest
bit taunting.
And that was all it took to shatter the last of Austin s self control.
He crossed the room in seconds and threw Joe up against the wall, his forearm
against the other man s neck, cutting off more air than was comfortable. Joe sputtered
and struggled, his legs kicking wildly, but the feel of the other man s sharp kicks to his
shins was nothing compared the pain that was coursing through his chest, somewhere
in the vicinity of his heart.
 You will never speak of this again, you will never speak to me again, period. If you
so much as look at me in the hallway, I m going to make you very, very sorry, Austin [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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