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the flush of desire.  I m all wet and& 
He rose up at once on his knees and took her in his arms.  Let me see.
 You cannot be modest now, my pet! He smiled with consolation.  Don t fret. Let me
tend you. You are my wife, remember? To love and obey?
Would that that were true beyond this chamber and this day.
He scanned her features.  I would not have you think your health is lost here, not after
the joy we ve had this afternoon. If you are injured, I must know. Lie back and open your legs,
 I am mortified, she muttered as she felt his gaze and his breath upon the skin of her
upper legs.
 Don t be, pretty wife. You are well. You only give off those juices you created and the
seed I gave you when we loved each other. Look at me, he commanded with a tender tone and
caught her chin.  There is a pink tinge to your emissions, and that was the last of your
maidenhead, darling. To be expected. But in fact, yours was an easy barrier to break.
 Oh, that s not good, is it?
 For me, it was, he proclaimed with twinkling eyes.  And for you, it was a blessing. Some
virgins have a bit of a tough go, I am told. Not fun for man or woman, that.
 You ve never had a virgin?
 Before you? No. Never.
 Why not?
He scrambled up beside her and planted a kiss on her forehead.  Because initiating virgins
to the art of love is what a husband does. I have never been a husband before today and did not
wish to be one.
 Why not? She dearly wished to know the answer to this question. Suspecting it had to
do with his father and their relationship, she would bide her time to get this information.
He snorted.  Well, had you asked me last week or last month I would have responded
that I had no reason to want to be one. No woman who needed me for more than a dalliance. No
woman I wanted for more than that. And courtesy of my father, an upbringing which showed me
that what passed for love between a man and woman was beguiling and temporary.
 I see. She took that as its face value and wished for more. Perhaps not today, but
tomorrow and soon.
 Suppose I order the maids to prepare a bath, eh? Should have thought of that before, but
I didn t. Sorry, darling.
She knew that in this diversion he attempted to avoid discussing the subject further.  A
bath would be welcome.
He kissed her and rolled away, then headed for his armoire where he took down a floor
length black velvet robe and tied the sash about his waist.  Hungry? You should be after what we
did. Heaven knows I am. I ll have some supper sent up. Should have done that, too. But I am not
Hoisting herself up on her elbows, she smiled at him.  Neither am I.
 I am too taken with you to be rational. From afar, he gazed at her naked body, then
raked both hands through his hair.  Nothing for that now. What s done is done. Cover up but do
not dress. I like you naked. But the maids will be up with the hot water soon enough.
Desperate to keep him or at least have him back soon, she urged,  You will return soon?
He made for the hall door and called to her as he put his hand to the knob.  You may
count the minutes.
Chapter Six
Was he totally daft?
What the hell was he doing making love to this innocent?
Well, now not so innocent, old man. You should have asked yourself that question hours
ago. But as it is, you have had one hell of a marvelous time initiating her to the joys of sex. And if
once was not enough, then one night was not either. Could he walk away after three more
months of nightly ecstasy with her?
Cursing aloud, he took the stairs down to the first floor and padded on bare feet toward
the back of the house and the butler s pantry. There, he saw his servant Simmons seated,
polishing glassware. What s more, the man s usually pinched face sported a happy countenance as
he whistled a merry tune about a lad and his lass. Simmons never whistled. Never smiled. Never
spoke of love. Or women.
Startled, the butler shot to his feet.  Milord! Is ought amiss?
 No, Simmons. We are well. I want two trays sent upstairs from that cold supper I
ordered. Does Cook have roast beef and potatoes on the sideboard as I requested last night?
 She does, milord.
 Excellent. Put lots of it on one plate. And my lady needs hot water sent up to my bath
chamber. In fact, have the footman haul in the tub from the bedroom across the hall and draw
two baths in my suite while we re at it.
 Yes, sir. At once.
Jack headed for his library, then turned back with a nagging question.  And Simmons?
 Yes, milord?
Jack frowned in playful challenge to this usually stoic man.  Have you taken to becoming
a whistler since I ve been in London these past four months?
The butler s large eyes popped wider.  No, sir.
 Why today then?
 Well, sir, it is your wedding day, isn t it. And we were celebrating along with you and
your new wife.
 I see. Jack scratched his head as he considered that answer.  Not a bad idea.
 No, sir. Simmons grasped his hands together like a minister about to deliver his favorite
Sunday sermon.
Jack suppressed a grin and ventured,  Is my getting married such cause for celebration
among the staff? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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