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Vance rose to his feet, pulled her to the edge of the table and pressed her knees to her chest. He
grasped his cock, pressed the broad head against her opening and thrust inside.
She cried out, her hips rolling to take him deeper or get away from him he didn t know. But she would
never get away from him. He d claimed her, had branded her with his teeth and had brought her to
orgasm with his mouth and cock.
He thrust into her, his rhythm fast, almost brutal. She would come for him again. And again. Her thoughts
would never be far from him, day or night. He would own her as thoroughly as she owned him. They
were meant for each other and he would prove it to her.
Allison gasped for breath. Her body shook with each pounding thrust. She couldn t move, could only
feel. And the feelings were too much. Her nerve endings screamed as her orgasm crested, crested higher,
She felt him come but the hot, liquid feeling blended, became part of the rising wave. He stopped
moving, collapsed on top of her, his cock wedged deep inside her. But she couldn t say when he
stopped. Her vagina ached as it gripped him tight, the tiny muscles quivering, clenching, exhausted.
He stirred, his cock dragging inside her.
She made weak, mewling sounds and flinched.
Vance looked down at her and his heart swelled. He d used her harder than he d ever used a woman
and her body trembled with the aftershocks. Her eyes were glazed; her mouth open as she gasped for air
yet tried not to breathe too deep.
Tenderness mixed with male satisfaction welled inside him. No other man would ever satisfy her as
completely. When she thought about sex, when she looked at her books, he would be the one in her
mind. Him and no one else.
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He didn t want to leave her wet, clenching, quaking heat but he needed to get her home. If she was
going to walk in the morning, she needed a hot bath and gentle care.
He would soothe her with his mouth until she slept and keep sucking her to pleasure himself while she
slept. He would claim her so completely she would know clear to her soul that she belonged with him.
He pulled out of her and she glared at him as her body started spasming again. He tried to look contrite.
He really did. But from her narrowed eyes and tight lips he must not have pulled it off.
 It s time we were home, he said as he lifted her into his arms.
She rolled her eyes.  If you think there s any way I can dress myself, you re crazy. And driving? I don t
think I could walk two feet.
 You don t have to drive or dress. Just wrap your arms around my neck.
 And what? You ll wriggle your nose and we ll just be there?
 Not quite. He smiled and the room disappeared. Light flashed by, images, faces, they blurred and ran
together. Before she could take a deep breath Vance was standing in the bathroom of her apartment.
 I don t suppose you want to explain how you did that. She wasn t really sure she wanted to know. He
was different enough already without adding to it.
 There s a technical explanation. Folding space and time. Dimensional shifts. It s an ability Vampyryn
children are born with.
 Good Lord. How do their mothers handle that? They could be anywhere at any moment. Are heart
attacks common among Vampyryn mothers? She couldn t imagine having a child who could travel the
fourteen miles from the library to her apartment in the blink of an eye. When she had children they would
be nice and normal. The only way her children would get anywhere was to walk or run.
Anger flared deep in Vance s belly. He wanted to shake her. She was his mate. The only children she
would be having were his. And that made them Vampyryn.
 Why aren t you afraid of getting pregnant, he demanded.
 I m on the pill.
 Why? Had she been thinking of having sex with someone? Who was he?
 My periods have been so irregular the doctor put me on them to regulate my hormones.
Anger and jealousy transitioned into fear.  What s wrong? he demanded. She looked healthy. Thin, but
healthy. And she had lots of energy and stamina. It couldn t be anything serious.
 Heredity and a type A personality.
Relief quickly turned to determination.  We ll work on relaxing and slowing down. Your health isn t
something I ll risk.
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