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up a contract outlining precisely what she will and won t be for you, and probably even
make her sleep in a separate bed or separate room because you don t care to hear what
she has to say after being with you. You ll never know what she loves about a new day
because she ll never have the emotional energy to start the day with you.
 Melanie. He tugged on her wrist.
Shaking her head, she pulled out of his grasp and turned away, looking for an exit.
 Forget it. I can t do this. Trying to make you see me& it drains me. Love should
energize the soul, not suck the joy out of it.
 Melanie. Her name fell between them like a whip-crack.
Emily Ryan-Davis
Fundamentally unable to disobey that tone, she froze. Sam appeared in front of her
and touched her chin, guiding her head back until their eyes met.
 First, contracts serve a very important purpose. At the very least of their
usefulness, they protect you and they assure your limits will be acknowledged and
honored. Second. Frowning, he rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip. Something
shifted in his eyes, mysterious to her but clarifying to him. He lowered his head and
kissed her, little more than a fleeting touch.
 Second, he continued, speaking against her lips,  my dungeon and my bed are
reserved for my submissive. When she surrenders her trust to me, I surrender my trust
to her.
 Give it to me, she whispered, aching at the thought of him with anybody else.
He pushed his fingers through her hair and cradled her face against his chest.  I
don t think I have any other choice.
Desperation wound her arms around his waist. After months without touching
him, she d begun to forget the way her body fit against his. Melanie tilted her head and
opened her mouth at the base of his throat, frantic for a taste of him. Sam s groan
vibrated against her tongue. He shifted and suddenly she was sandwiched between the
unyielding wall and his equally hard body.
Behind Sam, people moved past them. In an instant, she went from observer to
exhibit and the change in roles affected her on a primal level. Sam grabbed a fistful of
her skirt and hauled it over her hip before sliding his hands over her bare ass and lifting
her off her feet. Melanie scrambled to hold on to him as he pushed her up the wall and
shoved between her legs, forcing her thighs to part. She crossed her ankles behind his
back and moaned as his erection settled squarely against her, hard and big and so
amazingly good even through his pants and the front panel of her thong.
The club s music throbbed through her, dragging her racing pulse into an
electronica rhythm that Sam encouraged by grinding into her softness. He released one
of her cheeks and crammed his hand between them to wrench her panties aside.
Robbed of that barrier, her folds parted and he rubbed right up against her clit.
 Omigod, you feel good, she breathed in his ear, just before letting her head fall
against the wall behind her.  Don t stop.
He shoved her top up beneath her breasts, baring her stomach to the buttons
marching down the front of his shirt. One broad hand curved around the dip of her
waist and he dug his fingertips into her flesh, aggression and desperation and painful
pressure in his hold.
 Don t stop, she said again, craving everything, anything he would give.
 Not against a wall again. Not here. You deserve better than this. But he raked his
teeth down her arched throat and forced his fingers into the crease of her bottom,
behind her thong s skinny string, over the tender pucker he found there.
Tangled & Bound
 I don t want better. I want you. She clutched at his shoulders and twisted her hips
frantically, terrified he would stop and leave her empty, that he d leave her to another
four months of dying for the fullness of his cock inside her.
 I m not taking you against another wall. Breathing raggedly against her neck, he
adjusted his stance and slid his hand lower between her legs.  Christ, you re wet. Every
time I touch you 
He bit off the rest on a low curse and pressed, two long fingers curling into her
pussy, so deep a twinge of pain made her cry out. The front of his pants soaked up the
moisture between her labia and his grinding motion started to hurt, the friction rough
on her sensitive clit.
 Ow Sam 
 Come for me, he muttered, so low she wouldn t have heard him if he weren t
speaking right against her ear.  Melly, come for me.
 You re hurting me, she gasped, an edge of panic creeping into her field of
awareness. Panic because even though the rough scrape of his zipper nudged her from
pleasure into pain, she didn t want him to stop.
 You want me. He dragged his open mouth from her ear to her lips, spoke
between hungry, kissing bites.
 Yes. Behind her tightly closed eyes, the club s lights sparkled in crazy patterns.
Her pussy started to pulse all on its own, erratic jumps that seemed to mimic the lights.
Sam stroked faster, encouraging the deep spasms.  This is me. I want to hurt you,
push you through pleasure and into pain until it s all pleasure again. You want me, you
come for me. Hurting and all.
 Sam, please. She squeezed her eyes shut so hard her temples started to ache.
 You. Wanted. This. He cut her off with hard words, accusing words, and he bit
her bottom lip with punishing force.
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