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he d never given them too much thought beyond the initial attraction. Yet now that he knew Jamie was
gay, too, all those suppressed feelings were emerging. And suddenly the fact that Jamie was John s
baby brother didn t seem like that big an obstacle. Hadn t John always said it was too bad he was
gay, because if he weren t, Ethan could marry Julia and they d be brothers? All right, so they d been
kids when he d said that, but still ...
What the hell. He wasn t getting any younger. Over the years, he d had a few one-night stands
during his business trips, but his last serious relationship had been in college with Cliff. And that
hadn t stood a chance because John and Cliff had detested each other. Cliff had annoyed the piss out
of John, and Ethan s friendship with John had always made Cliff jealous. That wouldn t be an issue
with Jamie.
Of course, Jamie did pose another problem, having announced his homosexuality. Ethan really
didn t want to deal with the headache of being outed himself. Then there was the issue of a break-up.
What if they got together and it didn t last? He wouldn t be able to cut Jamie loose like he had done
with Cliff. Ethan still could remember being eleven years old and having to sit down so he could hold
Jamie a couple of days after he d been born. He'd even helped John teach Jamie how to swim. Jamie
would always be a part of his life.
 I m ready. Can I see George before we go? Jamie walked into the kitchen wearing a dark
green, short-sleeved, button-up shirt, a pair of tight Wranglers, and his gray felt hat.
Ethan blinked and felt his cock twitch. Damn, his erection had just gone down and now the sight
of Jamie dressed up had it threatening to come back. He groaned silently.
 Yeah. Let s go. He held his hand out toward the door for Jamie to go ahead of him. He told
himself he was not going to notice that fine ass encased in those tight jeans, in front of him.
Unfortunately, he never had been very good at following his own advice.
* * * * *
Jamie sat in the passenger seat of Ethan s truck, listening to the radio and watching the land pass
by through the windows. After he d greeted George, he and Ethan had gotten a list of supplies from
Bill and taken off in the truck. They hadn t said much yet on the drive. And Jamie was afraid the
silence meant Ethan was regretting not just this morning, but last night as well.
Jamie had been embarrassed in the bathroom at first, but he d taken Ethan s reaction as a good
sign. Now he wasn t so sure. At least Ethan hadn t started babbling about how they couldn t do that
again. Jamie reached over and turned the volume down on the radio. He had to know where they both
stood.  Ethan?
Ethan glanced over at him, a dark eyebrow arched under the straw hat, before he looked back at
the road.  Yeah?
 I ve been thinking. We ve definitely got something between us. I think we should pursue it. I
can --
 I agree.
 -- be very discreet and ... What?
Ethan chuckled.  I said okay. I agree with you; we should just go with it and see where it leads.
Jamie felt like he d been hit with a sledgehammer. He d fully expected to have to argue his case.
 You do?
 Yeah, I do. Am I speaking English? He smiled.
Jamie chuckled, feeling better than he had in a while.  Smart ass!
Ethan laughed with him.
 Thanks ... Thank you for taking me in, for getting my horse, for giving me a job, and for
giving me the chance to be with you.  ... for everything.
Ethan glanced over at him again, then held his hand out. Jamie looked at the big, callused hand
for a second, then put his in it. Ethan squeezed.  You re welcome ... for everything.
The gesture and words were intimate, held promise. It said everything they didn t ... all the
questions, the reservations and finally the acceptance. Jamie smiled and finally relaxed. For the first
time, he thought that getting kicked out of the only home he d ever known might not be such a bad
thing. Maybe it had happened for a reason. He savored the feel of Ethan s hand holding his for a few
more moments, then let go.  So, what all are we doing in town?
 Other than the long list of supplies Bill gave me, you mean? We are getting you more tack.
 Excuse me? I have a saddle and --
Ethan shook his head.  Not anymore. Your dad wouldn t so much as give me a rope to load [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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