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the realization. He missed the easy friendship he and Micah
had had before Tucker had messed it up with that one night.
It seemed wrong to regret such a wonderful, profound night,
but he did.
Micah extracted the cigar from Tucker's fingers and took a
It was such an intimate gesture Tucker found himself
staring. "I I miss the quiet." He watched Micah's lips pucker
His Convenient Husband
by J. L. Langley
as he blew out the smoke, and unbidden the image of those
sweet lips kissing up his body sprang to mind. Tucker shook
his head and retrieved his cigar from Micah. "Since when do
you smoke?"
"I don't usually." Micah shrugged. "Why don't you come
home more often? Is it because of me? I'd hate to think
that " Micah's voice lowered, almost quivering. "I don't want
you to stay away from your family because of me."
Damn. A pang of guilt slapped Tucker in the gut. He did
stay away because of Micah, but not for the reasons Micah
thought. "It's not you." The lie slipped out of his mouth so
easily, Tucker almost believed it himself. "Work keeps me
busy. There are always deals to make and companies to sell."
Tucker took a puff of his cigar, and it occurred to him that
Micah's lips had just rested where his were. Micah's lips
tasted as sweet as they had four years ago. Did Micah have
more practice now? Tucker shouldn't care, but he didn't like
the idea of Micah being with anyone else. He'd been Micah's
first, but Tucker had no right to expect to be Micah's only.
"What're you doing out here?" Tucker winced at the growl
in his voice.
Micah was quiet for several moments. When he spoke, his
volume was barely above a whisper. "Couldn't sleep. I was
wondering where you were."
Sucking in a breath of air, Tucker nearly choked. He
covered quickly by taking a drink. Something tickled his arm
as he set his drink on the porch railing. He glanced down.
Micah's long dark fingers feathered over his arm,
caressing. It was an innocent touch, but it sent the blood
His Convenient Husband
by J. L. Langley
thrumming straight to Tucker's groin. Fuck. He had to get
outta here before he did something he'd regret. Keeping his
distance was much easier when Micah was pissed at him.
Tucker dropped his cigar to the ground and crushed it out
with his boot prior to kicking it off the porch. After standing,
Tucker turned and glanced right into big brown eyes.
Once again, Micah hesitantly traced his fingers over
Tucker's forearm. It moved the hair and left a tickling feeling.
"Have you had a chance to look over the bills?"
The innocent gesture made Tucker's cock fill fully. "Yeah.
I've already transferred money to cover the outstanding
Nodding, Micah looked away toward the pasture. "Thanks."
He bit his bottom lip and took a deep breath.
The expression tugged at Tucker's heart. His gaze locked
on the full sensual lip caught between Micah's straight white
teeth. Tucker was such a goner. Stepping closer, he hooked
his forefinger under Micah's chin and lifted it.
Blinking, Micah cleared his throat and tried to step back.
Tucker moved with him and stared into Micah's startled eyes
as their lips met.
It was like a jolt of lightning. Tucker wrapped his hand
around the back of Micah's head and held him close. Slanting
his mouth over Micah's, Tucker pushed his tongue inside.
Micah jerked and gasped into Tucker's mouth. His body
stiffened for several seconds as Tucker explored his mouth,
then Micah relaxed and wound his arms around Tucker's
waist. Squeezing Tucker tight, Micah kissed back and his
tongue slid hesitantly along Tucker's. Micah's breath
His Convenient Husband
by J. L. Langley
quickened until he panted and his hands clutched at Tucker's
back. He pressed forward, mashing his erection against
Tucker's thigh.
Tucker's cock lurched and his own breath came faster. His
free hand gripped Micah's firm little ass, urging him closer.
Trying to catch his breath, Tucker pulled back but Micah didn't
stop. He rooted his face on Tucker's neck, licking and kissing.
Grunting, he thrust his hips at Tucker, grinding against him.
Fuck. This was insane. Tucker had to stop this. As much as
he wanted it, he knew it'd only make things more strained
between them.
Micah's ragged breathing turned into moans and his hands
were everywhere at once. It was nothing like their one time
together. Micah was no shy virgin this time. Wanting him so
badly really pissed Tucker off. Why couldn't he remain distant
where Micah was concerned? Tucker managed it with every
other lover he had, but Micah got under his skin.
When Micah grabbed Tucker's cock, it was like a horse
kicked Tucker in the stomach. Sanity returned along with
anger ... anger at himself. He hated being weak. Tucker
gripped the thick hair in his hand and tugged Micah's head
back, forcing him to make eye contact. "Stop." Tucker stared
into languorous brown eyes only seconds before they went
wide and Micah dropped his gaze.
Micah flung himself backward out of reach, not even
looking at Tucker. "I-I-I'm sorry, I " He shook his head then
darted a glance up at Tucker. Micah shook his head and
turned away, heading toward the kitchen door.
"Micah..." Tucker reached out before he realized it.
His Convenient Husband
by J. L. Langley
Micah jerked his shoulder away from the contact. "Fuck
off." He flung the door open and disappeared inside.
"Damn it." Tucker leaned back against the rail and knocked
his empty glass to the ground below. He sat there for several
minutes just staring at the kitchen door. "Way to go,
jackass." How did he always end up screwing up where Micah
was concerned? Tucker had a lot to apologize for.
Shoving himself off the railing, he went down the steps to
retrieve the glass. As he bent, a flicker in the office caught his
attention. What was that? Had he left the computer on? No,
he knew he hadn't. And he was sure if Micah were going to go
do some work, he'd just turn the light on.
Quickly, Tucker retrieved the tumbler and made his way to
the French doors that led into the office.
Duncan sat at the desk in front of the monitor. What the
fuck? What was he after? Micah had said Duncan had been
sending emails demanding the accounts. Tucker had seen the
emails earlier when he'd studied the finances, but he hadn't
thought too much about it. Why would Duncan want the
ranch records? Tucker was certain Duncan wasn't just here to
visit Granddad one last time.
Tucker opened the door and Duncan jumped, slapping a
hand to his chest. "Jesus, you scared me."
After closing the door behind him, Tucker crossed the
room and flipped on the light. "What the hell do you think
you're doing?"
"I was going to get online and check my email."
"Tough shit. Guess you should have brought a laptop,
His Convenient Husband
by J. L. Langley
Brow furrowing, Duncan stood. "Fine. Be an ass. I'll
remember that when The Bar D is mine." He strode out of the
office and slammed the door behind him.
Tucker hurried around the desk and set the tumbler down.
He checked the screen. Duncan had used the wrong
Sitting in the chair, Tucker punched in the code Micah had
given him and pulled up the email program. He sent off a
note to a P.I. he used for business sometimes and shut the
computer down. Tucker needed some dirt on the man
because he had a sneaking suspicion that Duncan was not
going to let things be after Granddad passed away. It was
time to find out what Tucker was dealing with in regards to
his uncle. Leaning back in the chair, he closed his eyes. He
may not know where he stood with Micah, but he knew damn
well Duncan was his enemy.
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His Convenient Husband
by J. L. Langley
Chapter Six [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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