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didn t give her some type of release. Was it possible to want
something so much?  I want you in me.
Michael smiled up at her as he rose and fulfilled her
* * * * *
In bed, Michael cradled Jessica in his arms and stroked
her wet hair.  How did everything go with Jake?
Jessica had forgotten that she hadn t found the time to
tell him how well the prank went. Their last twenty-four
hours together had been a whirlwind of anger and passion.
She snuggled next to him as she told him all about it.
Michael s laugh was deep and hearty. He kissed her
soundly on the head.  That s my girl. He would have loved
to have seen the look on Jake s face.
 I couldn t have done it without Jennifer.
 She s a nice woman. I think you ll become good
 I hope so. Jessica raked her fingers through his chest
hair.  I love you.
He looked down at her.  Where did that come from?
 I don t know. I ve just wanted to say it for so long, and
now that I can, I can t say it enough.
 You can say it as much as you want. I ll never get tired
of hearing it.
Whittier / Fatal Embrace
Her lips curved as she closed her eyes; she was content.
 Tell me this isn t a dream.
 It s better than a dream.
It wasn t long before she drifted into a deep sleep.
Michael slipped out of her embrace and went downstairs to
his study.
He picked up the telephone and dialed Dan s number.
 Hey, buddy, I know it s late, but we need to talk.
 What s up?
 I want her out of here now. His mouth was set in a hard
line as he spoke.
Dan cleared his throat.  I don t think that is wise.
 I don t give a damn what you think. I don t want her
here. Michael let his head fall into his hand.  Shit. I m sorry.
I can t shake the feeling that something is going to happen.
Dan tried to reason with him.  You can t just send her
away and expect her to not see her family or work. We don t
know how long it s going to take us to find this guy.
 We can relocate her somewhere far away for a few
weeks. That s all I need. His eyes lifted, thinking about
Jessica in his bed.  If I know that she s safe, I can find him.
 Okay, where do we put her? Dan asked.
 I don t know. He shrugged.  I don t care just as long as
it is away from this house and this town.
 Let s wait until morning. We can t leave in the middle of
the night.
 Okay, but first thing in the morning we re leaving. His
fingers automatically reached for the picture on his desk.  I ll
think of a way to tell Jessica.
 Jessica? Dan sound surprised.  I ve never heard you
call her Jessica. He paused, then said,  Don t worry, Mike,
Whittier / Fatal Embrace
we re not going to let anything happen to her. I ll see you in
the morning.
Michael racked his brain trying to think of a place he
could take Jessica that was safe. Maybe she could go to Mrs.
Mayfield s daughter s or to Dan s parents house in
California. He could send her on a cruise. What about a trip
The ring of the phone broke his thoughts.
 You can t hide her, Michael. I ll find her. That I promise
Michael gripped the phone with both hands.  I ll find
you before you have the chance to kill again.
 How do you know I haven t? I m always one step
ahead of you, Michael. The faceless, distorted voice let out
a daunting laugh.  You ll never get me. You re good, but not
that good.
 I ll get you and when I do, I m going to rip your
fucking head off and shove it down your goddamn throat.
Michael stared out the window into the darkness; he didn t
recognize his own reflection.
 I told you to stop the investigation. The next words
were slow and precise.  Now, you pay the price for not
The cool voice didn t quiver once. His calmness made
Michael shake. It was like he knew his every thought. He
held his breath trying to block out what the man was saying.
Think Michael, goddamn it, think. He had to keep him on a
little longer to trace the call.
 I guess all I really need to do is kill Jessica to stop the
investigation. Right, Michael? See you around.
The phone clicked dead.
Whittier / Fatal Embrace
Michael raked his hand through his hair.  This guy is
crazy. He is fucking nuts. Impatiently his eyes darted
around the room. He looked at the walls, the shelves, the
window, trying to gather his thoughts. He focused on the
phone before it registered that it was ringing. He plucked it
up quickly, expecting the emotionless voice of the killer.
 Carven, this is Hanson at the station. I thought you
should know that the tipster called back. He was a little
anxious, but one of my men managed to get some
information out of him. He works for the local taxi service.
He said that he has taken a man that fits Ms. Stanson s
description to a building in the old part of town. He said that
he d come to the station and speak with us. I thought you
would want to be here when we question him. Carven, you
 I ll be there A.S.A.P. Send a man out to watch Jessica.
I ll leave when he arrives.
Michael hung up the phone and dialed Dan s number. It
was busy. He was most likely talking to the station, getting
all the details. He went to his room and quietly opened the
top drawer of his dresser and pulled out his gun. He stuffed
an extra clip into his coat and went to the bed and looked
down at Jessica. She looked lost in peaceful dreams. He sat
on the edge of the bed and watched her, memorizing every
 Baby, wake up. He kissed her cheek.  I have to go.
Jessica s long lashes fluttered open and her eyes found
his.  Now? You have to go now?
 Yes. I think we found him.
She sat up.  Where?
Whittier / Fatal Embrace
 I m not sure. I ll know all the details when I get to the
station. He watched her get dressed.  It s going to be over
soon. He looked toward the window when he heard a
sound.  That s the officer I had sent out.
Michael met the young officer at the door and invited
him in. Taking Jessica s hand, he made introductions.  This
is officer Scalf.
 Please, call me Jason.
Jessica shook his hand.  It s nice to meet you, Jason.
Michael turned Jessica to him.  I ll be back in a few
hours. Dark panic shot through her eyes as she clutched his
hands tightly.  Everything going to be fine.
She nodded but the torment in her gaze never vanished.
 Jason will take care of you.
She nodded again.
He pressed his thumb against her lips and then replaced it
with a gentle kiss.  I love you.
 I love you too.
Michael motioned Jason to follow him to the door.  If [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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