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had been caught. What she couldn t figure out was how it happened.
And she couldn t figure out how she knew she loved him. She decided
to tread carefully.
54 Amber Finn
 Yes, Amelia, I have been seeing Blake this past semester.
Amelia smiled at Avery s admission of dating Blake, but Avery
wouldn t admit to loving him.  May I ask how you knew?
 Because I thought you two would be a good match. That s why I
assigned him to your class. He couldn t keep his eyes off you when
you came to campus for your interview. I felt it was time he settled
down and that you were the perfect woman to capture his heart. You
had already captured his interest.
Avery s mouth fell open. She could not believe her ears.  I don t
understand. You were hoping we d get together? But what about the
university rule against it? You must be aware of it. Blake knows all
about it.
 Of course he does. I told him, so he d be careful. I can t have my
nephew getting kicked out of school during the final semester of his
master s degree, now can I?
Avery started to choke on a phantom piece of dust.  Your
 Are you okay? Do you need some water?
Avery shook her head no as she regained control. Unfortunately,
she could not claim control of her senses as her mind was still reeling.
 Blake is your nephew? I can t believe it. He never told me. Now I
understand why he didn t want to discuss his past and living with his
aunt any further.
 Well, he keeps that between us because he doesn t want anyone
to claim nepotism in any way. I tried to tell him that wasn t a way to
begin a relationship, but he wouldn t listen.
 Yes, I can see that. He told me he pulled some strings to get
assigned to my class. I can see why he d try to hide the fact that you
are his aunt. However, I hate to disappoint you, but I don t think he
was interested in a relationship. Yes, I am in love with Blake. But I
don t think he is in love with me.
Her Prized Student 55
Amelia smiled and shook her head.  Oh yes, dear, he is. He is
head-over-heels in love with you. I ve known that boy his entire life
and have never seen him this way over anyone.
Avery started to feel hope over that news but then remembered
Leslie. Amelia watched as Avery s face fell.
 What s the matter? Most women consider it good news that the
man they love feels the same way, Amelia said smilingly.
Avery looked at Amelia through tears and said,  Most women
don t get a visit from another woman claiming a one-night stand with
the very same man.
Amelia stood and paced the room.  Blake is many things, but one
thing he isn t is dishonest. I would stake my own life on that. I ve
never had children, and when Blake s parents were killed in a car
accident when he was 6, I stepped in and raised him as my own. I ve
never looked back. As it would happen, my husband and I later found
out we were unable to have children, and we regarded Blake as a gift.
But we never spoiled him. We raised him with the morals and values
with which we were raised, and Blake inherited his mother s
goodness and integrity on top of that. I don t doubt that you believed
this woman, Avery, but did you ask Blake about it?
Avery felt ashamed as she remembered the many phone calls she
let roll over into voicemail.  No, she whispered.
 When did you find out?
 Three days ago, Avery responded.
 Oh, Avery, don t beat yourself up. You re still in shock. But you
need to talk to him.
Avery happily nodded and said she would call him after class.
Avery rushed out of class and went back to her office. She felt as
though she was going to be sick at any moment and was convinced
she wasn t going to make it to her office. The women s restroom was
directly across from her office, and Avery made a beeline for it
instead. As she finished getting sick, she finally made it to her office.
56 Amber Finn
Avery felt better. No fever, no chills, no body aches. This doesn t
feel like the stomach flu. Maybe it was something I ate last night? She
couldn t remember what she had eaten, so she shrugged it off and
tried to decide what to do about Blake. What Amelia said gave her
great hope on the one hand, but on the other hand, she was somewhat
biased and may not know Blake as well today. She doesn t know the
grown man he has become. She also did not know Leslie Preston and
would not know her powers of persuasion. Blake could be as honest [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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