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 A woman? Pierre sat up and looked around for his flannel lounging pants.
Charlie handed him a pair of sweatpants instead.  Yeah, yeah. Don t get excited. No one
should have to deal with what happened to her.
 Danamara did. She even found her way home and figured out that she needed to sleep in
a room with no windows. Pierre yanked on the sweatpants and shuffled into the bathroom.
 Why don t you get me some coffee while I shower? If we re going hunting, I better be awake.
 That would help. Maybe I should spike it with some whiskey. It s cold out there.
 Nah. Then I would just be a wide awake drunk. Actually, on second thought make me
some hot tea with Rock  n Rye. The bathroom door slammed and Charlie heard the shower start.
Shaking his head, he went to make tea.
When Danamara woke in luxurious comfort the next evening, it took a few moments for
her to recall where she was and why she was naked in a strange bed. She stretched and rolled on
the softest sheets she d ever slept on before sighing and reluctantly sitting up on the side of the
bed. Yawning, she stood and reached for the dark blue silky robe Julian had loaned her, slipping it
on as she headed for the door. As Julian s scent surrounded her, an ache low in her belly reminded
her of the formal decision she still must make. Should she fulfill the bed bond with Julian? She
snorted as she acknowledged what she d instinctively understood from the beginning. She d lusted
for him from the first moment she saw him. There was never any doubt that she would be his
lover. Lover and alpheli.
Julian had suggested she start her laundry before toddling off to bed at dawn. Now she
needed to toss that load in the dryer and begin another load so she would have clean clothes to
wear to work. Goodness knew she couldn t afford another night off. If she missed anymore work,
she had a feeling she wouldn t have to worry about her job. As it was, she was using her precious
hoard of vacation days to take the Vampire Bootcamp class.
After a quick detour to the bathroom to clean her teeth and run a brush through her
tousled hair, she finished loading the washer and dryer as the seductive scent of fresh coffee
drifted through the laundry room door. Following her nose, she wandered out to the kitchen
where Julian was filling two mugs with black coffee.
 Good evening, he greeted her with a smile.  How are you feeling?
Danamara shoved her hair back from her face as she wanly returned his smile.  Better.
Sleeping in a real bed rather than on the cold bathroom floor helped.
He bent his head and kissed her gently before handing a mug to her.  Well, I m glad you
were more comfortable. I woke early and spent some time in my library refreshing my memories
about the alpheli laws and traditions.
Her stomach cramped with fierce hunger at his casual mention of their alpheli
relationship. The slow beat of his blood abruptly magnified in her ears and her fangs appeared
despite her attempts to prevent them from popping out.
Julian chuckled quietly.  Hungry? If I feed you now, love, I will not turn down what you
offer, he warned.  Are you ready for that?
 How does this work? she asked with sudden urgency.  You said I wouldn t need to feed
from anyone else?
He took her mug, setting it back on the counter before tugging her so that her body
curved into his. He didn t bother to hide his arousal as his engorged cock nudged the soft juncture
of her thighs.
 I am responsible for feeding you as frequently as you need. And in exchange, you will
allow me to feed from you once or twice a week. I will also find an outside donor to feed from at
least once a week. I m very old so my requirements are minimal. In addition, we will both be able
to eat moderate amounts of anything that s not fortified with vitamin D. Apparently, there s some
type of toxic reaction to that.
She tilted her head back so she could see his eyes.  I still need to feed every day.
 Yes, he replied answering the question she didn t quite ask.  I will feed you every day.
And if you desire or need sex with your feeding, I ll happily take care of those needs, too. Every
 Julian, isn t this sort of cold and unemotional?
 I ll be happy to warm you up, he assured her before covering her lips with his. He slid
his tongue across the tips of her fangs, purposely allowing them to nick his soft flesh. When tiny
beads of blood welled up, he shared them with her, brushing his tongue over hers.
She melted against his body, pressing closer as the spicy flavor of his blood exploded on
her tongue, snapping her taste buds wide awake. Winding her arms around his neck, she rocked
her hips, frantically rubbing her mound on his hard length. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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