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April Ash
He struggled to keep his back still as his body shook with his release. He used the
towel to contain his ejaculation. Behind him he listened to Stacy s moans in climaxing as
she rocked against his back. Finally, the room became quiet as neither spoke and only
the sounds of their heavy breathing and the crackling in the fireplace could be heard.
After a few minutes, their breathing levels slowed down and Sloane rested his head
back against hers.
 Stace, that s the best phone sex I ve ever had.
 Do it often? she teased.
 Actually, never. Having you talk me through it and me doing the same I bet we
could write up a game proposal for NG to consider. He laughed and his body shook
against Stacy s.
She laughed too.  Maybe we could add specially designed and decorated toy
phones and erotic printed towels.
 Maybe we ll do this again on Thursday. That s another night of no sex between
games, he wondered out loud.
 Or maybe you should come up with a different idea. She stood and so did Sloane.
 Hmm. I ll have to consider another possible game for us. He pointed to the fire.  I
love watching the flames and listening to the sounds. He gave her a sideways glance.
 Firelight on you looks good.
 And on you, Stacy added as she watched shadows and light dance across his
muscular chest.  Let s look outside. It sounds so quiet out there.
They strolled over to the window. Despite being naked, Sloane showed no signs of
noticing the cooler air the closer they got to the window. Stacy shivered, having lost the
warmth of the fire and Sloane s body heat.
 While it s beautiful outside, I like the heat in here.
Sloane stood behind her, his cock and balls pressed against her rear.  No sex but I ll
rub your arms while we walk back to the fireplace.
He kept her close to him as they ambled to the sofa and sat.  Should we get
dressed? Having you naked beside me is too much of a temptation. He smiled and
looked down his body.
His cock stiffened and twitched and Stacy longed to have it inside her. Sloane was
right though. They needed to remove temptation.  I m kinda tired. I think I ll go to
bed, she offered as a way to end their evening.
 Probably a good idea. We have a game to look forward to tomorrow.
Yes, there d be another game.  I ll set my alarm. She got up and retrieved her
 I ve got meetings with distribution and shipping starting at ten. No need for us to
be up real early. His tone sounded nonchalant and businesslike.
Sexy Games
They were back to being game testers. That s what he wanted. That s what she
Right? Before Stacy could get her brain to muddle through those thoughts any
further, his cell phone rang.
 Monique. Wait a second. He turned toward Stacy.  See you in the morning.
Then Sloane gathered up his clothes and went into his bedroom.
Stacy watched him leave as her heart sank and any hopes of being with Sloane after
the games seemed like an impossible goal. If Monique had once again entered his life
there d be no room for her.
She ordered her brain to focus on  Seduce Me and decided to work on her game
proposal in her room.
* * * * *
Game day. Sloane got out of bed, a rush of excitement surging through his system.
Another night of pleasure with Stacy and acting out whatever fantasy scene she chose.
She hadn t told him if the game would be from  Teach Me or  Royal Romps . He
stretched and headed for a shower.
Eager to enter her fantasy world, it didn t matter to him which one Stacy picked.
After showering and dressing, he checked his watch. He had an hour to relax with
her before his round of meetings. Once again he d probably miss lunch with her, thanks
to his father s scheduling for him. Sloane smiled as he realized his father had organized
everything so perfectly in order to get him to experience every aspect and the  ins and
outs of the company s daily and weekly running. All that took his time away from
Sloane plopped down on the bed, rested his elbows on his knees and held his head
in his hands. What did he want from her? What did she expect from him? Could there
be a future together for them?
Stacy was nothing like Monique. He snorted at her name and the fact that she still
called him, trying to either make him jealous about her upcoming wedding or to rub in
the fact that she d snagged a wealthier man.
He d been polite and courteous to her, adding his congratulations and best wishes.
That hadn t appeased her. She wanted him to attend the wedding. Sloane had said no
through three phone calls with her but still she pursued his agreement.
Never one to be outright rude, he wondered if this would test his resolve. Maybe a
curt reply would sink into her head. He didn t want Monique or anything to do with
her wedding.
Sloane looked at his watch again. He wanted Stacy. And was falling in love with
her. He stood and walked out his bedroom door, ready to see her again before his
meetings. But tonight nothing would interfere with their fantasy together. He d turn off [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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