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How often have you heard the expression, 'Oh so-and-so leads such a colourful life, but mine is so
dull.' We all have a certain amount of free will. We all have opportunities to make our lives more
interesting if we wish to do so. It is so necessary to allow ourselves more breathing space to
continually keep our eyes open, to be ready to make the best of all the beauty and colour that is
constantly being thrust before us. It is very sad that so many people that I have come into contact
with, spend so much valuable time regretting the past and thinking about it, that they fail to grasp
every moment as it occurs. There is no excuse for anyone to think that they live in a world of black
and white.
To clairvoyants, since time immemorial, colours have been observed surrounding every living thing,
particularly the human being. In fact, many of these people have claimed to have been able to tell the
emotional state of an individual by studying their auras, and noting the preponderance of certain
colours, which are a general barometer of the person's physical, mental, and spiritual health. Some
mediums have gone on record as claiming that they can judge the degree of a person's intelligence by
the concentration of certain colours that they perceive.
Edgar Cayce, who is referred to in other parts of this book, could see colours surrounding people ever
since he could remember. It was quite a long time before he realised that other people couldn't see the
colours. Cayce said that he could detect forthcoming changes in the health of friends by looking at
their auras.
I remember one story of a psychic in America who could see auras. He was shopping in one of New
York's largest stores, on the second floor. He pressed the button for the elevator to take him down to
the ground floor. When the lift arrived, he was surprised and shocked when he looked inside and
found that the ten people standing there had no visible auras. It was the first time in his life that he had
not seen colours surrounding others. He was so surprised, that he stepped back in alarm, the lift door
closed, and started to descend. Suddenly, the cable broke, and the lift plunged down to the basement,
killing every passenger instantly.
What then is the human aura? Does it really exist? Or are mediums and clairvoyants imagining
things? For thousands of years some seemingly gifted people have claimed to have been able to see
auras. For just as many years, cynics have denied and dismissed the whole idea as preposterous. We
are perhaps most fortunate to be living in an age when much phenomena, such as the aura, are being
investigated seriously. The results concerning the aura are promising so far.
For those who desire scientific proof before they will even entertain an idea about almost anything,
some semblance of proof of the aura is now with us. It is the Russians we must thank, particularly
Semyon and Valentina Kirlian, who invented a method of photography using high frequency electrical
fields. This has become commonly known as 'Kirlian photography.' It enables us to see what looks
like a miniature fireworks display around living things, particularly in observations of the human
hand, the leaves of plants, and inanimate objects such as coins, watches and various metals.
Is this the aura that has been the centre of such a great controversy for so many ages of mankind? Like
X-rays, that we now take for granted, Kirlian photography is opening up a new dimension in the study
of life systems. By observing the patterns and colour changes that take place with Kirlian
photography, scientists and technicians are coming to the same conclusions as mediums and
clairvoyants. That a person's health, and emotional states, are reflected in the aura, and the colour
changes that take place there.
The aura is described like the glow that can be seen around a candle flame, or around a naked light
bulb. The aura is a magnetic field of energy and vibration surrounding the human body. It is seen as [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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