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sections between the speed cameras and he never took his eyes off the road. There was
an erotic distraction sitting next to him he was trying not to think about. Flick had
stretched out on the seat, slid her hand onto the back of his neck and was pulling his
hair through her fingers. Beck moved his cheek against her hand, thought how soft it
was and then jerked his head upright.
Concentrate. Road. Flick. Car. Drive. Flick.
He trembled as she ran one finger under the collar of his shirt and around to the
front of his neck. His Adam s apple moved up and down under her thumb.
 How are you feeling? Flick asked.
 I think you know. His erection strained against his zip. He needed to make
himself more comfortable, but he didn t dare take his hands from the wheel. When he
felt her fingers tickle his knee, a flaming arrow hit his groin and he groaned.
 I don t think that s a good idea. Beck knew his voice sounded strangled.
Her hand slid higher.
 Flick, stop teasing me or& 
 Or what?
 You ll be sorry. How lame could he be?
 I want to kiss you, she said,  and I can t wait.
Beck wasn t sure he could wait either but the well-illuminated A65 was not the best
place to be dealing with an attack of uncontrollable passion.
 Something is going to happen if we wait, she said.  Maybe there ll be an invasion
and we ll find ourselves facing a line of tanks or a plane will crash in front of us. Ooh,
or an impenetrable evil fog will appear out of nowhere, and creatures will materialize
and drag us in different directions.
Beck gulped.  Now you re frightening me.
 So no, we can t wait. Turn right here.
He flipped his indicator.
 Straight over this junction and keep going.
 Flick, please take your hand off my thigh, Beck asked in a choked voice.
 Sorry. Next left. Up the hill. At the junction turn right.
Digging Deeper
 Could you repeat that? he mumbled, having forgotten everything after the word
 sorry .
Flick went through it again.
 How much further? Beck asked. He wasn t sure, but he thought he d asked that
five times. He expected his dad to give him a clip around the ear any second.
They travelled along a dark country lane somewhere between Guiseley and Otley.
 Three hundred yards, then left, Flick instructed.  It s a dead end. Don t go too far
or you end up in the sea. Okay, stop here.
Beck switched off the engine.  I feel I ought to point out we re a couple of hours
away from the sea.
 Oh no, we re lost, Flick wailed and then cut it off.  Never mind.
She unfastened her seat belt, leaned over, took hold of his head and pressed her lips
against his. Beck felt her tongue pushing its way into his mouth and for a moment he let
her do all the work, reveling in being the one consumed before he started to kiss her
back. She tasted so sweet. Her tongue was driving him crazy. His heart pounded. He
wanted her so much he was in physical pain and the handbrake digging into his thigh
wasn t helping.
Flick pulled away and moved back onto her seat.  Thank God.
 For what? Beck stroked her cheek with his fingers.
 You kiss like you mean it.
 I do mean it. Only now I want more.
Flick glanced over her shoulder at the two rows of seats in the van.  How athletic
are you?
Beck doubted two broken legs could have stopped him. He scrambled over his seat
onto the one behind.
 Not bad, Flick said and in one fluid movement slid backward to join him.
 My ideal woman. Witty and agile.
 I thought we only needed a pulse?
 You have a pulse as well? His lips moved to Flick s and he eased her back so she
lay on the seat. He had one knee beside her and the other on the floor on top of
something sharp and he didn t care. The kiss was deep and went on for so long they ran
out of air and broke off gasping.
Beck lifted the bottom of her sweater his sweater and peeled it over her head,
tossing it further back in the van. He continued to kiss her neck as his fingers fumbled
with the buttons on her shirt. Flick s fingers were busy with the buttons on his.
 I was so jealous of Hannibal, she said.
 Why? Beck opened the last button and gave a throaty groan. A red lace bra. He
was dead and going to hell.
Barbara Elsborg
 Because she got to crawl all over your chest. Flick lifted her head, pressed her lips
against his collarbone and licked her way down to his nipple as he hovered over her.
 She didn t get to do that, Beck gasped. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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