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 Usually that s true but the people who took me from this side of the veil to the
other were human. I don t know if they had help or what, but they were definitely
human. That means humans are somehow able to come and go through the veil and that
makes things very dangerous for the Aes Sídhe.
Zack grabbed Eljin s hands and held them between his own as he thought about his
words. He d been drummed out of the service due to his head injury, a wound he now
believed hadn t been as severe as the doctors had claimed.
He would never be allowed back into any branch of the service and that s all he
knew how to do, be a soldier. Add the fact that someone inside the government wanted
him dead and his opportunities in the human world didn t look that good.
Here in the Seelie Court he might have a chance to use his abilities again and put
his training to good use. Plus, he d have Eljin and their child someplace safer than the
human world. Eljin s idea had a lot of promise.
 While I like the idea a lot, I need time to think about it, okay? Zack asked.  I don t
know much about your world. Considering the circumstances, I m not even sure that
your people will accept me. I am human, after all.
 You re also my leannan, a royal consort. Eljin snickered.  That gives you a lot of
clout. Just ask my fayer.
 Your fayer?
 Fayer means father of my creation, basically, the sperm donor. You are our child s
fayer. I am the mayer, the birth father. Eljin laughed.  You know, Doc asked the same
thing. He said it would blow your mind when you found out that I had two fathers.
 Two fathers? Zack chuckled.  Yeah, I guess that is a little crazy sounding.
 My mayer is King Tuathal. He s of royal blood so he rules Seelie Court. Gavril, my
fayer, is commander of our army. He is not of royal blood so he cannot rule but don t let
that fool you. My fathers rule side-by-side as equals. Anyone who doubts that should
face my fayer in hand-to-hand combat.
 Big man, huh?
 Strong. Eljin chuckled.  Just wait until you meet him and you ll see what I mean.
 I have to admit I m a little nervous about meeting your fathers, Eljin. Zack
grabbed Eljin around the waist and moved him over so he straddled Zack s lap.  What
are they going to think when they find out I knocked up their youngest son?
 They ve already stated that you, Gunny, Doc and Rocky are to be treated as
honored guests.
 Guests, hmm? That doesn t sound very promising, Eljin.
 Although you are officially my leannan, you haven t decided if we are going to stay
or not. Eljin shrugged but his eyes were on his fingers as he plucked at a thread on the
comforter.  That kind of makes you a guest, doesn t it?
 I ll think about, I promise, Zack said. He reached over and grabbed the hem of
Eljin s white tunic and pulled it up over his head, tossing it over the side of the bed.  In
the meantime, hummingbird, I need to examine you and make sure you re okay.
Eljin giggled.  Examining me means I need to be naked?
Zack pulled at the hem of Eljin s pants. Eljin lifted his hips so Zack could pull them
down his legs. Once Eljin was naked, Zack pulled him down to his chest.  I need to
examine you inside and out, just to be sure, you understand.
Zack s eyes widened when Eljin let out a little growl and practically jumped on
him. Apparently Eljin was as interested in being examined as Zack was in examining
him. Zack grabbed Eljin and rolled him over onto his back, his body coming down
beside him. He moved up on his elbow and leaned over Eljin, careful to not put his
weight on the baby bump.
 Hey, hummingbird, missed you.
Eljin grinned.  Missed you to, my handsome leannan.
Zack leaned into the hand Eljin cupped around his cheek, turning slightly to kiss
the palm.
 I was so worried about you, Zack. I didn t know if you would ever wake up.
 Never going to leave you, Eljin.
 You d better not, Eljin said fiercely.  I may only be five foot five but I m not
someone to mess with. I d kick your butt.
Zack laughed. The weight of the world lifted off his shoulders as Eljin s joy and
happiness filled him.  I have no doubt that you would, hummingbird. There was
delight shining in Eljin s deep-blue eyes. They shined brighter than Zack had ever seen
them. He reached up and rubbed the pad of his thumb along the curve of Eljin s
cheekbone, right under his eye. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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