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 That only happens in bad movies.
He grinned and placed a kiss on my forehead.  I don t know what I d do if something happened to
you. His sincerity leaked through the words, chipping into my soul.
I couldn t help but smile I felt so safe, so good, so right. I knew he spoke the truth. There was more than
one reason I knew this, but I couldn t see the logic before. Was this what Mom used to talk about as
knowing whom you re supposed to be with? What she referred to when everything felt right?
And this felt so right. Lost in the warm masculine smell of Jack, I held on tight.
I had never cried in a man s arms like this this trusting, this open. This was more vulnerable than I d
ever felt before, and instead of laughing at me, Jack just held me.
And it hit me.
Not only did I have feelings for Jack Edwards, I trusted him. A feat in itself considering my past dating
record. It was like I d known him forever. I connected with him in a way that I couldn t explain, nor did I
want to. It was just there, he fit.
And I would have kept dwelling on this, but Jack suddenly jerked back, and I started looking around, as
though I expected his mother to walk in the door or something.
 Hey, I have a question for you. He hopped up off the couch.  You ve gotten me hooked on this whole
fan fiction thing, and I wanted to know something about it.
 I have you hooked?
 It s nice to have references to know what women want.
I raised my eyebrow.  And you need help in that department?
 Well, not with you I don t.
 So you think.
He smirked, leaned down and kissed me on the lips. Not one of the searing, oh-my-God-I m-on-fire
kisses, but enough to prove that if I was a good girl, there d be more to come later.
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 I ll be right back. He stepped out of the room, and I could hear his footsteps into one of the rooms,
and he reemerged with a stack of papers in his hands.
He seated himself next to me.  Can you tell me the difference between these stories? Or what they have
in common? He handed me a stack of four fan fiction stories, and none of them were mine.
 What s this? Cheating on me?
 I ve been checking out all kinds of genres lately. Just seeing what s out there.
I nodded my head. It didn t take me long to figure out what I was reading.
 This one s aStar Wars fan fic, this one s aPhantom of the Opera , this oneBatman . Man, I didn t
even know they wroteBatman fics, and this one isFinal Fantasy . Another genre I didn t know about.
 So what do they have in common?
 All are rated NC-17, but that s about it.
His face fell.  I thought for sure you d have more than that.
 What, are you taking a poll?
 It just seemed like there was something else they all had in common, but I couldn t put my finger on it.
 It s because you re a man, dork. I tossed the pages at him.  Only a man would not get it.
 They re goddess fics.
 Huh? Jack s eyes widened.
 Goddess fics. Hero rushes in, saves the damsel in distress from her problems, then treats her like a
goddess for the first time in her life, screwing her like no other. I shrugged as I spoke. It was a typical
type of fan fiction theme original character gets saved by a character from some genre.
 See, I said, holding one up,  ThisBatman one? It s about a gal being saved by Batman, I started
thumbing through the pages,  And for reasons the author establishes, he seduces her.
 That the author establishes? 
 It s a writing thing. Create their own, shall we say, version of an established character, like Batman. The
canon characters 
 Canon characters?
 The characters from a genre, like Batman, Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker, the characters that are
established in the story.
 How do you know that? Jack s eyes showed a kind of relief, like I d unlocked some great mystery for
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I shook my head.  I run an archive. Of course I know this stuff. These are probably all series of stories,
where there s serious buildup between the protag male and female. There are tons of stories out there
like this. Many done in multiple parts, raising the sexual tension between the characters until,boom , the
goddess thing happens. And the original characters get their brains bonked out. Where s your computer,
I ll show you. They re like my Angel/Rennati series.
 What do you mean, like it? His eyes went cold again. For a second, I shivered at his expression.
 It s a series of stories about a character and an OC. Pretty common in fan fiction. I have the
Angel/Rennati series. He s a vamp, she s a new Slayer. They shouldn t be together, but they are. This
one, I grabbed the papers from him.  I ve heard of it. It s a story about a gal who lives next door to the
Jedi Temple. It s a whole series. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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