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Making full use of his natural abilities, the leetlesheet, as if having
just been challenged to a race, cheated by climbing over several
short cuts to reach them first.
After programming Chucker's pod to return to Cube, with their
own craft up and running, the pods rushed forward like a severe
case of diarrhoea and shot away from the dock.
'Woof ... where's it gone?' shouted Scank, desperation filling his
voice as he searched for a glimpse of the transporter in the green
coloured sky.
'East!' answered Dong, spotting its shape slowly descending upon
the slanted roof of one of the taller of the distant buildings.
Purposely keeping their distance the two pods hovered out of
sight, waiting for the emergence of Chucker. With the vom in the
open they would be able to dive down and rescue him more easily.
'What do you ... grrr ... think is wrong?' demanded Scank. 'Where is
'Dong looked the craft over again, zooming in on its location with
the use of her dynamic optical head-screen. Feeling her hearts
rapidly thumping through her chest, getting more and more highly
pitched, she watched the nose of the transporter suddenly open
down onto the assortment of rubbish which she could see littering
most of the roof-top.
'There he is!' shrieked Scank, his own head-screen focusing on
Chucker's sad face and bringing its image closer. 'Come on ... grrr ...
let's get to him before they see us!'
Just as their pods were about to descend two balls of flying metal
shot past, heading directly for the roof. 'Globular fighters?' Dong
remarked, flabbergasted, literally. 'Oh my god ... they're going after
Chucker! That gang of moodies must have followed us. Damn! We
have to get to him before they do!'
Dong and Scank's heads quickly filled with blood as they
plummeted downwards at maximum speeds in their desperate
attempt to save their friend.
'GGGravpull 6414646441,' shuddered Scank, his face feeling the
pressures, '6414646442 a-a-and holding...' With sheer determination
they managed to hold their course for several more seconds - but
this time it would not be enough - they were too late!
The slanting roof had become engulfed with roaring flames, its
image, although still some distance away from them, burnt into their
The transporter hadn't known what hit it, the unexpected explosion
having crunched its shape like a recycled can. The attacking
circular crafts responsible for this deliberate carnage had long since
vanished into the growing layers of smoke curling into the sky, the
colouring of the two together making even the English channel look
clear. Giving chase would be useless. Chucker had just been
murdered in cold blood and there was nothing more his gob-
smacked friends could do about it.
'We ... snfff ... better return to Cube,' snivelled Scank, holding back
the awaiting tides of uncontrollable laughter - laughter being the
way leetlesheet s come to terms with grief!
As a sign of respect the pods shot towards the right, to the left, and
to the right again, until finally moving back to the left and then with
immense speed disappearing into the green haze scattered above
them in the gaseous ceiling Dungheap has the audacity to call its
Reaching the familiar layers of dark space, the two square craft
fitted themselves back inside Cube, their pilots waiting for a while
before stepping out and walking hand in hand to the observation
'Where's Chucker?' asked Cryst, noticing his obvious absence by
the distinct lack of smell. 'I thought I saw his pod dock several
minutes ago?' The messiah could sense something was wrong and
moved awkwardly within Robottom whom in turn moved awkwardly
within a gripseat.
'He wasn't inside it!' explained Dong, erratically. 'He's just been
burnt alive. Whilst his flesh was reducing to something similar to
smoked ham, his eyeballs were exploding like balloons full of puss,
and whilst his guts ... oh yes, his guts ...'
'Woof ... he's been murdered!' Scank quickly cut in, his laughter
'Murder?' repeated Cryst, an abrupt fart escaping in shock.
'Gritting her teeth in anger, Dong made her way towards the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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