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I asked,  Did you use ordinary film, such as you ve been using normally for other
 No, we used a new film product of ultra-sensitivity, sent down for test purposes
from the laboratory at Rochester.
 I thought so, I exclaimed.  What you ve used is a film of such sensitivity that
you ve photographed the auras of the living characters in the set.
 Auras! my friend echoed.
 Every living creature, I informed him, turning from movies to esoterics,  has an
envelope of radiance about it, indicating its animate nature. But under ordinary
circumstances the normal eye can t see it. Your supersensitive panchromatic film has
climed above the octave of the normal human eye and scored vibrations outside the
eye s wavelength.
 But we can t use this stuff. Blobs of light walking around as living creatures, are
just & blobs of light.
 Nevertheless, said I,  that s the way all human beings or earthly creatures appear
to those on a higher octave of vibration. Go ahead and retake the scenes with your
earlier film. But you ve gotten something quite as true to life as anything recorded I
black and white at a lower rate of vibration.
 Blobs of light walking around as living creatures & isn t that the perfect
description of Vehicle in whatever aspect of Spirit operating extrovertly we confront?
The fact that this aura-radiance is not commonly discernible doesn t warrant its
nonexistence. We lower our light vibrations down to where the normal eye of our
neighbor can discern them, and we say we have reality.
But true Reality is what IS, not what vibration is recorded on our sense-equipment.
Vehicle is correctly a blob of light, but the living creature is the light-enshrouded
intelligence directing or supervising its movements or the nature of its activities. All to
the end that an effect is created on another unit of consciousness, thus manufacturing
what is known as Circumstance or social relationship.
Out of such participation in circumstances or social relationships comes the next
phenomenon that is labeled Behavior another marvel of Cosmos.
Behavior is our conduct performed with the reactions upon another intelligence
always in the forefront of our attention. Thus do we commence to get an assorted series
of repercussions from the other units of divine embryos that point up our own appraisals
of ourselves to ourselves. And this is the primary purpose or intent behind Vehicle.
Beyond Grandeur William D. Pelley 99
WE DESIER to discern ourselves through the eyes or repercussings of creatures
similar to ourselves in consciousness as an essence. Standards of deportment must come
out of these. And standards of deportment are the great criteria by which we judge that
which we earlier called Growth or Development.
We estimate whether today we are of higher intellectual perception extrovertly than
we were yesterday, by the alteration or attitude on creatures similar to ourselves. If it
seems to be so in what we term the  constructive manner, we declare we have
 grown. If it be not the constructive manner we decide we have not  grown , we have
And we do it all within blobs of radiance that our associates term our  organic
bodies & but which are blobs of light if that is the effect they work on the vision. For a
short time in solar years we manifest in one blob of light. For another term of years we
manifest in a different blob of light. We  bloom , as we call it, from the bud of
adolescence into the flower of adulthood. But it s all a varied aspect of lights, or
comparisons of light exhibits, one with another. Intelligence within, introspectively, is
quite the same. It s our externals that undergo alteration.
But what is that to Divine Intelligence, only concerned with establishing what lies
within Itself that can negotiate greater and greater comprehensions of Its own activities?
Immortality? It s naught but a constant comprehension in ever more complicated
forms of what this moment s behavior is from what last moment s behavior was all
judged by effects on contemporaries.
It puts a different aspect on the seriousness of living &
Beyond Grandeur William D. Pelley 100
PUT BEHIND it all, Soul-Spirit resides serene. Being created perfect in that
nothing is concerned with it that is not perfect, it can rest eternally or immortally in
the knowledge of its own correctness, nothing existing in the entire Omniverse that can
mar or disturb the absolute nature of its self-manifesting and realizing. All that is
external to itself is something else again. Moved into a vehicle, whether it be occupancy
of a blob of photographic light or an organism approximating a mastodon s, it abandons
self-perfection and submits itself to the winds and rebuffs of every pressure on the
calendar, rearranging its standards to conform with what manifests as the ultimate in
wisdom-production in other words, the ultimate in Experience. Within the range of
such reactions it evaluates itself, terming itself Good or Bad, wise or foolish, moral or
immoral, complacent or combative.
Yet all of these are effects of Externals. And uniformly they derive from
associations with similar capsules of consciousness, each building within itself its norm
of what it terms Correctness, either after its self-conceived pattern of desire-wish
fulfillment, or after its self-conceived pattern of custom or tradition. It is a curious
museum of action and reaction. All the same, it is  the world & the universe first, then
the manifestations of externalized Self-Awareness & that truly constitute the
stupendous panorama of life.
 Life, first, last, and all the time, is strictly the self-aware conscious state, or the
capability of realizing that  I AM & and any explainings or beggings of that fact
sooner or later come to illogical ends. Meaning that you can t say of an inanimate object,
 I will endow it with life by any recipe of chemical combinations. You must impart
what is truly the God-germ in some aspect of embryo within that object to give it
voluntary consciousness. And you must never confuse life and animation. Animation is
any principle of activity working out in either organism or chemicals, and by such
qualification chemicals of many classes may seem to be alive. Yet they are never
Beyond Grandeur William D. Pelley 101
Until you get true self-consciousness you do not get true Life in the divine sense.
Self-conscious life in the divine sense is a principle of the universe that is apart from, as
well as behind, all eternal aspects of that universe. Never can you have the offspring or
the product giving birth to the parent or causation &
IT IS well to remember such fundamentals in considering the stupendous universe
all around us. True, in the 51st verse of the Thirtieth Chapter of the Golden Scripts the
Great Teacher declares,  Study Light well: it holdeth life s secret; Light is concerned in
all that ye are, Light is concerned in all that ye do; behold men will one day find that
Light turned upon chemical substance will make it to live; in that day they shall cry, Lo,
we are as God! & we create life and give it! But immediately He qualifies this
assumption of the Divine Prerogative, for He adds,   but they give it not, beloved.
They but use Holy Spirit s radiance to give throbbing unto tissue; the Light is the life:
they but do a procreation. Do they not perform it now, being parents unto children?
The Life-Principle, in other words, is ensconced in some complicated manner in
Light and Light s manifestations. Men may find ways to focus it on inanimate materials.
But all they make themselves is agents. They seize on a great fundamental of Cosmos [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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