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before starting the fight against the evil-minded Kauravas. It was on that day that Ravana was killed
in battle by Sri Rama.
It is the day of victory. Boys are put in the school on this day.  Hari Om Narayanaya
Siddham ,  Om Sri Ganesaya Namah ,  Om Sri Hayagrivaya Namah are taught to them. Aspirants
are initiated on this day.
On this memorable day, the carpenter, the tailor, the mason, the artist, the songster, the
typist and all technical workers do Puja for their instruments and implements. This is Ayudha Puja.
They behold and recognise the Sakti or power behind these instruments and worship the Devi, for
their success, prosperity and peace.
Sri Rama built a united India. Sri Rama gained victory over Ravana who had his capital in
Lanka, but whose dominions had been extended over a large part of India. Vijaya Dasami is the day
of anniversary of the birth of one united India. It is observed in commemoration of the great victory
(Vijaya) of Sri Rama over the Rakshasa king, Ravana. It is the day of triumph of righteousness over
Angada, Hanuman and others celebrated the victory of Sri Rama over Ravana with great
religious ardour, under the leadership of pious Vibhishana, embraced one another in friendship and
showed their intense devotion and reverence to Sri Rama. From that day onwards this great victory
(Vijaya) has been commemorated year after year by all Hindus.
Sri Rama s victory over Ravana is the victory of spirit over matter, the victory of Sattva over
Rajas and Tamas, the victory of soul over mind, sense and body, the victory of idealism over
materialism, the victory of goodness over evil, the victory of love and truth over hatred and
falsehood, the victory of self-sacrifice and renunciation over selfishness and possession, the victory
of the oppressed over the oppressor, the victory of the labour over the capitalists and the
imperialists. The memory of this day brings hope and joy to the hearts of the poorest and the most
depressed. It humbles the pride of the rich, the strong and the learned, and inspires them to embrace
the poor, the weak and the illiterate in love and brotherliness. It awakens a sense of unity among all
classes of people.
The Vijaya Dasami has thus become a festival for awakening of universal unity, fraternity,
peace and bliss.
The Sakta Puranas interpret this in another way. Rama tried to attain victory through His
own valour and prowess but failed. Afterwards, He surrendered His egoism to the Maha Sakti or
Devi, and placed Himself as an instrument in Her hands. Thereupon, Devi really fought with
Ravana and brought the victory for Sri Rama.
There is an eternal fight going on between Devas and Asuras, between Sattva and
Rajas-Tamas, between evil tendencies and virtuous tendencies in man. Gods represent Sattvic
forces. The demons or Asuras represent the evil forces. That day on which one kills these evil
tendencies, viz., lust, anger, greed, egoism, hatred and attains knowledge of Self or illumination
through the grace of the Divine Mother, is the real Vijaya Dasami day or the day of real victory of
Self over the non-Self.
May the Devi, Mother Durga teach mankind the way of Dharma and righteousness and
bestow peace, bliss and contentment and the final beatitude!
Dassera is the greatest Hindu festival of adoring God as Mother. Hinduism is the only
religion in the world which has emphasised much on the Motherhood of God. Mother is the dearest
and sweetest of all human relations. Hence, it is proper to look upon God as Mother.
Dassera, Durga Puja and Navaratri are one and the same. Durga is the Sakti of Lord Siva.
She is the representation of the power of the Supreme Lord. There is no difference between the Lord
and His power. She looks after the affairs of the world. The Divine Mother in Her aspect of Durga is
represented as having ten different weapons in Her ten hands. She is sitting on a lion. This indicates
that She has control over all forces, even over the brutal force which the lion stands for.
You will find in Devi Sukta of the Rig-Veda Samhita that Vak, the daughter of sage
Anbhirna realised her identity with the Divine Mother, the power of the Supreme Lord which
manifests throughout the entire universe among the gods, among men and beasts, among the
creatures of the deep ocean.
In the Kena Upanishad, you will find that the Divine Mother shed wisdom to Indra and the
gods, and said that the gods were able to defeat the demons with the help of the power of the
Supreme Lord.
Mahishasura, a great demon, was severely oppressing the gods. The gods invoked the aid of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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