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Józef Lipiec
kacj olimpijsk , architektur sportow , profesor Józef Lipiec podtrzymuje jed-
fenomenem pi ki, istot i wyró nikami nak swoj wiar w humanistyczn ide
sportów zimowych, antycznymi ród a- sportu. Od dziecka w sport zaanga o-
mi sportu w wymiarze historycznym i fi- wany, co szczegó owo opisuje w swym
lozoficznym. W Po egnaniu z Olimpi autobiograficznym postscriptum w Po-
tworzy nawet oryginaln futurologi egnaniu z Olimpi , kultywuje nadal
(przeradzaj c si miejscami w dekon- swoje sportowe pasje i zainteresowania
strukcj ) idei sportowej i olimpijskiej jako kibic, propagator idei sportowej,
na tle prawdziwie postmodernistycznej dzia acz olimpijski, nauczyciel akademic-
konstatacji zjawiska  znu enia sportem , ki i publicysta. Jest tak e zami owanym
wyczerpania wynikaj cego z  kolosalne- turyst -podró nikiem, kolejna ksi ka
go zwielokrotnienia oferty i rekordów wychodz ca spod jego pióra po wi cona
sportowych. Pomimo widocznych la- jest filozofii turystyki.
dów sceptycyzmu, w a ciwych przecie
dla krytycznej wiadomo ci filozoficznej, Opracowa a Maria Zowis o
Józef Lipiec is Professor of Philoso- (1988), The World of Values (2001), The
phy at the Jagiellonian University and Philosophy of Olympism (1999), Farewell
the Academy of Physical Education in to Olympia (2007). His philosophy has
Cracow. He gives lectures on history got its deep roots in a well-known tradi-
of philosophy, ontology, axiology, an- tion of the Cracow school of phenom-
tropology and the philosophy of sport. enology whose prominent master was
He was a President of the High School Roman Ingarden (till his death in 1970),
of Pedagogics in Rzeszów (1980-1986), an outstanding follower and contributor
a president of the Fifth Congress of Pol- of Edmund Husserl. Professor Lipiec was
ish Philosophy (1987), a chairman of a student of Ingarden and he creatively
Polish Section of the Cicrcle Condorcet in unfolds his type of phenomenological
Paris, a chairman of the Culture and Edu- ontology that is a domain of essentials
cation Board of the Polish Olympic Com- insights into the realm of ideas and their
mittee. He is a cofounder and a current contents and relations between them and
president of the Polish Olympic Academy as such it serves as an introduction to any
and of the Malopolska Olympic Board in metaphysical assertive existential state-
Cracow (from 2000). Besides his activity ments and systems. Evolving an eidetic
as an Olympic official, professor Lipiec is type of cognition Józef Lipiec is at the
an estimable author of a number of books same time a realist and he builds a struc-
on traditional philosophic themes and on tural and dynamic ontology of the real
the philosophy of sport and Olympism, world, and real objects and phenomena
among others: The Foundations of the within it. Sport is one of such objects
Social Ontology (1972), The Ontology of that attracts his philosophic concern.
the Real World (1979), Human Freedom The structure of so called  elementary
and Subjectivity (1997), Kalokagatia sport fact is built of three levels: a hu-
Maria Zowisło
man subject, a material base of the world of all as an axiologist and his books on
and the third one of values (ideal/inten- philosophy of values among with these
tional entities being the objects of real on sport are really high-esteemed. Pro-
human experiences together with a set fessor Lipiec is not only a distinguished
of game rules). Professor Lipiec devel- scholar keen on sport accidentally, he
ops especially the third layer of sport is really engaged in the world of sport
phenomenon, that one which has essen- experiences as a sport fan, an Olympic
tial connetions with the ideal world of activist and a sport publicist.
values. In fact, Józef Lipiec is perceived
in Polish philosophic environment first M. Z. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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