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employees next to the master. Nothing good could come Party s Central Leadership must be preoccupied with
of it, besides all the harm. That is a civic habit. education and the question of cadres.
These questions must be considered thoroughly, and the Why is it necessary to invest one billion forints in
crude oil production? Romania has got enough oil. In Report from V. Semenov and A. Grechko (Berlin-
Hungary, the aluminum industry should be developed Karlshorst) to V. Molotov and N. Bulganin, 17 June
more. 1953, 7:26 a.m. (Moscow time)
Com. Gerö: The criticism is justified and correct not
just in general, but also regarding the question of bossi- OPERATIONS DIVISION,
ness. The leadership is not collective, and we did not raise MAIN OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATION,
Hungarian cadres. He often wanted to raise the question GENERAL STAFF OF THE SOVIET ARMY
but never got to it. The situation really got to the point that
whenever comrade Rakosi gave a speech, the newspapers Top Secret (Declassified)
really exulted it, and the KV s staff made sure that it would
appear before the people as some extraordinary achieve- To Comrade V.M. MOLOTOV
ment. Such bossiness undoubtedly exists, and I am To Comrade N.A. BULGANIN
primarily responsible for it, second to comrade Rakosi. I
did not have the courage to bring up the question. By We are reporting on the situation in Berlin towards the
expressing our mistakes this openly, the comrades helped close of 16 June.
us tremendously. It is a shame that we could not do this As reported before, there had been a demonstration by
ourselves. It must be admitted that such bossiness construction workers on strike in the downtown of the
happened in my case too, but I discontinued it during the Soviet Sector of Berlin during the first half of 16 June,
last few years. The enemy tries to take advantage of these protesting against the raising of the output quotas in the
things. Bossiness is also practiced by comrade Farkas. In Berlin construction industry. Some people from West
fact, there is bossiness even at the lower levels, at the Berlin took part in the rally. The majority of construction
smaller organs. The county and village secretary, the workers started breaking up after it was announced that
president of the collective, everyone is a leader in their SED CC had cancelled the rise in output quotas. The
realm . This kind of bossiness exists, and it must be participation of the persons sent from West Berlin kept
uprooted thoroughly. In our case, bossiness is intertwined increasing in the subsequent gatherings.
with civic phenomena; he [Gerö] also agrees with the The situation in the city worsened towards the evening
comrades on that. We just had parliamentary elections. of 16 June. While the activists of the SED were meeting in
After the elections, a picture was published in the Szabad Friedrichsstadtpalast, big crowds started arriving from
Nep, depicting Comrade Rakosi voting together with his West [Berlin] into East Berlin, moving towards the above-
wife. Comrade Rakosi did not arrange for this himself, but mentioned building. At the same time, a band of up to
he did not protest it either. 2,000 people, mainly West Berliners, were throwing stones
Regarding mistakes in the economy. We noticed in a at the I.V. Stalin monument at Stalinallee at 9.30 p.m. and
number of questions that there were mistakes, but we did moved towards Friedrichsstadtpalast, ransacking a shop on
not bring up these questions so explicitly. For instance, the way. Four hundred German (Eastern German) police-
the issue of the metro. It is actually fortunate that they did men dispersed this band. At the same time, large groups of
not listen to the military advisers who recommended that West Berliners were attempting to promote chaos, block-
the metro should be built such that tanks and military ing streets, holding up tram traffic, turning over cars,
trains could commute on the metro line. There was great breaking shop windows. About 500 bandits tried to burst
excess in the case of the metro. into the gas plant and block its operations. Some groups [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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