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due to equipment failure or other troubles, giving the
duration of the interruption and action taken; 3.8 Cancellation of
k) such additional information as may be considered by the
operator to be of value as a part of the record of the Messages shall be cancelled by a telecommunication station
station s operations. only when cancellation is authorized by the message originator.
3-3 1/11/01
4.1 General airspace management and air traffic flow management.
Procedural provisions relating to inter-centre communications
4.1.1 The aeronautical fixed service shall comprise the are contained in 4.7.
following systems and applications that are used for ground-
ground (i.e. point-to-point and/or point-to-multipoint)
Note 7. The aeronautical telecommunication network
communications in the international aeronautical telecom-
through its ATSMHS and ICC applications enable the
munication service:
transition of existing AFTN and CIDIN users and systems into
the ATN architecture.
a) ATS direct speech circuits and networks;
b) meteorological operational circuits, networks and broad-
4.1.2 Material permitted in
cast systems;
AFS messages
c) the aeronautical fixed telecommunications network
Note. The provisions contained in 4.1.2 do not apply to
ATS voice communications.
d) the common ICAO data interchange network (CIDIN); The following characters are allowed in text
e) the air traffic services (ATS) message handling services;
f) the inter-centre communications (ICC).
Figures: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Note 1. Provisions relating to ATS direct speech
Other signs: - (hyphen)
communications are contained in 4.2.
? (question mark)
: (colon)
Note 2. Provisions relating to meteorological operational
( (open bracket)
channels and meteorological operational telecommunication
) (close bracket)
networks are contained in 4.3.
. (full stop, period, or decimal point)
, (comma)
Note 3. The AFTN provides a store-and-forward
messaging service for the conveyance of text messages in ITA-
= (double hyphen or equal sign)
2 or IA-5 format, using character-oriented procedures.
/ (oblique)
Provisions relating to the AFTN are contained in 4.4.
+ (plus sign)
Note 4. The CIDIN provides a common transport service
Characters other than those listed above shall not be used in
for the conveyance of binary or text application messages, in
messages unless absolutely necessary for understanding of the
support of the AFTN and OPMET applications. Procedural
text. When used, they shall be spelled out in full.
provisions relating to the CIDIN are contained in 4.5.
Note 5. The ATS (air traffic services) message handling For the exchange of messages over the
services (ATSMHS) application allows ATS messages to be teletypewriter circuits, the following signals of the
exchanged between service users over the aeronautical International Telegraph Alphabet No. 2 (ITA-2) shall be
telecommunication network (ATN) internet communication permitted:
service (ICS). Procedural provisions relating to ATS message
handling services are contained in 4.6. signals nos. 1 to 3  in letter and in figure case;
signal no. 4  in letter case only;
Note 6. The inter-centre communications applications signal no. 5  in letter and in figure case;
enable the exchange of information between air traffic service signals nos. 6 to 8  in letter case only;
units over the aeronautical telecommunication network (ATN) signal no. 9  in letter and in figure case;
internet communication service (ICS), in support of signal no. 10  in letter case only; and
notification, coordination, transfer of control, flight planning, signals nos. 11 to 31  in letter and figure case.
ANNEX 10  VOLUME II 4-1 1/11/01
Annex 10  Aeronautical Telecommunications Volume II
Note 1.  Letter case and  figure case are to be 2) character 0/2 (STX) other than the one in the origin line
understood as the shift condition in which the equipment as prescribed in;
associated with the channel was positioned prior to the
reception of the signal.
3) character 0/3 (ETX) other than the one in the ending as
prescribed in;
Note 2. When using any of the above signals, account is
to be taken of, amongst others, the provisions of
4) any uninterrupted sequence of characters 5/10, 4/3, 5/10,
4/3 in this order (ZCZC);
Note 3. The foregoing provisions of are not
intended to prevent the use of:
5) any uninterrupted sequence of characters 2/11, 3/10,
2/11, 3/10 in this order (+:+:);
a) figure case of signals nos. 6, 7 and 8 after bilateral
agreements between States having telecommunication
6) any uninterrupted sequence of four times character 4/14
stations directly connected to each other;
(NNNN); and
b) figure case of signal no. 10 as the priority alarm (see
7) any uninterrupted sequence of four times character 2/12; and
c) figure case of signal no. 4 for operational purposes only
and not as part of a message. The text of messages shall be drafted in plain
language or in abbreviations and codes, as prescribed in 3.7. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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