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He hadn t been looked at like that for a very, very long time. If ever.
The people he was talking to disappeared, the blonde fading into insignificance, the
crowd falling away.
She moved with elegant determination, skirting the knots of people standing and
chatting and the gyrating dancers. The look on her face was serene, but as she got
closer, he noticed the hunger in her eyes, the glitter of desire, and what looked like
uncertainty. Nervousness.
A vulnerability only he could see.
He couldn t remember the last time he d wanted anyone so badly.
Donovan excused himself from the people he was talking to and stepped away, trying
to get a grip on the desire that had broken free and was currently turning him inside out.
All he d intended when he d reached for her earlier was to distract her from going to
Jax, to deflect her attention. But he d realized his mistake the second he d touched her,
the moment her scent had invaded his senses. He hadn t been able to stop himself from
taking a bite out of her, wanting to taste her skin just one more time. And then, like she
always seemed to be doing, she d taken him by surprise. Turning her head to kiss him as
if she d been doing it all her life.
And as her mouth had met his, he d known he wouldn t be able to walk away from this
again. That he was at the mercy of their chemistry. At the mercy of the unexpected fire
that lay under her hard, cold businesswoman exterior.
He wanted to strip that woman away like he had in the limo. He wanted to find
Victoria underneath it.
She smiled as she approached him, the smile of a woman totally in charge of herself
and the situation. But he wasn t fooled. He knew that was only a mask. And he had to put
his hands in his pockets to stop himself from reaching for her, stripping the mask from her
there and then.
 So Mr. Morrow, she said calmly, as if she hadn t kissed him not ten minutes earlier.
As if he hadn t felt her body tremble between his hands.  I ve been thinking about your
earlier offer. I ve decided I d like to take you up on it.
He didn t let himself look satisfied or pleased or anything so mundane. He met her
gaze, gone dark in the dim light of the club.  What about your fiancé?
 Oh, that. She glanced down at her hands where they rested against her stomach,
clutching onto her little beaded purse. Then with a certain amount of deliberation, she
slid off the gaudy diamond ring she wore and put it into the purse.  I don t have a fiancé
Christ. Had she done that for him?  Victoria, I 
 He told me he d found someone else, she interrupted, her gaze direct. As if daring
him to argue.  So don t worry. I didn t throw a relationship away for a one-night stand.
 You didn t love him. It wasn t a question, more an affirmation. Because he knew,
without a single doubt, that if this woman loved someone she d never throw it away for
 No. And he didn t love me.
He saw it then, the slight glitter of anger. Of pain. And he knew what it meant
because he d felt it, too, a long time ago. The sting of a rejection you weren t expecting
to feel.
 You can change your mind, he said, making it clear.
 No. The word was hard, certain.  You told me you d show me what else there is.
And I want it. Just tonight. Just once.
He wanted to touch her then but there were too many people around, so all he said
was,  Come with me.
He didn t wait to see if she obeyed, only turned and began moving down toward the
back of the club, where it was dark. Where there were corners and enough shadows to
hide anyone and what they did from view.
There were lots of people around, in alcoves and on couches. Talking, laughing, and
drinking. He kept moving, past the people to where it got much darker, where the beat of
the music became muffled. A corridor snaked away to another part of the club, a deep,
shadowed recess to one side of it.
Donovan turned and Victoria was right behind him. Thank Christ. He reached for her,
pulling her into the recess then pushing her up against the wall.
As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could see her pale face looking up at him.
 Here? There was only the slightest tremor in her voice.  Really, Mr. Morrow. I had no
idea you had a thing for public sex. Though I guess it shouldn t surprise me knowing 
 No. He lifted a hand and took her chin between his thumb and forefinger. Tipped her
head back.  No more. You don t have to be the businesswoman tonight. You don t have
to be Ms. de Winter just like I don t have to be Mr. Morrow. Tonight you re Victoria and
I m Van. Understand?
Her gaze was dark, holding his.  Okay.
 Say it.
 My name, Victoria.
Her throat moved, her attention drifting to his mouth.  Van & 
The sound was a whisper but he heard it. Nothing had ever sounded so erotic.
He let her chin go, pressing her against the wall, his hands sliding up beneath her
dress, cupping her butt in his palms. She gave a little gasp, her purse dropping to the
floor with a thud, her hands coming to rest against his chest for balance.  God. No one
will see us, will they?
 If they do, they ll only see my back. They won t see you.
She looked up at him, her fingers curling into his shirt. Holding on.  Show me. Show
me what else there is.
So he bent his head, took her mouth, and let the taste of her detonate inside of him.
She made a hungry sound deep in her throat, her fingers curling even tighter in his shirt,
her mouth opening beneath his, kissing him back like she was starving for him.
Fuck, he d never been so hard. So ready for a woman in all his life.
He d told her he d show her there was more than business between them. More than
power games and challenges. More than masks. And he was going to show her now.
He let his fingers slide beneath those lacy panties of hers, over the silky skin of her
bare butt. Then between her thighs, brushing the outer folds of her sex lightly.
She trembled and kissed him harder, another sound escaping her as he slid his
fingertips further between her thighs, nudging the entrance to her body, finding her slick,
Victoria broke the kiss, panting.  Van & God &  Her head tipped forward, her forehead
resting against his chest.
He bent, brushed his mouth against the sensitive skin beneath her ear, feeling her
shudder.  I ve been thinking about you all evening, did you know that? he whispered,
dark and dirty.  About what we did in the limo. About how you tasted. About how much [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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