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hall as a joke, she was caught off-guard when she met Nick s dark blue eyes. He looked
like he d just woken up. His hair was mussed and a shadow of whiskers crossed his jaw.
And he was literally shaking with fury.
 You should have been back to our room hours ago!
 I & I & . She was shocked to see him. Too shocked to argue her reasons for
sleeping alone, but it would not have mattered anyway. Nick wasn t there to talk. He
stepped past her, locking the door behind him. As if in slow motion, he pulled his shirt
over his head and stepped out of his pants. Laney s mouth went dry and her pussy grew
wet at the sight of his gloriously erect cock kissed by the moonlight.
He came to her and tore the blanket away. Pulling her up against him until she
had no choice but to wrap her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, he slid
inside her and carried her to the bed. He laid her down carefully, his body following
hers. Kissing her soundly he began to move inside her. His pelvis worked rhythmic
music until she was begging him to bring them both satisfaction. Her pussy was so wet
for him, her thighs squeezing him tightly, wanting to keep him there always.
 Yes, Nick. Take me. Please.
He said nothing, only deepened the passion of his kiss and pumped harder into her
until she feared he would break her. Laney came on a thunderbolt of crazed lust, his
climax following seconds later. He shivered against her as his seed spurted inside her.
He tucked his face into her neck as the waves of passion passed over them. When at last
his breathing became steady again, Nick rolled over, pulling her on top of him.
For long minutes she laid awkwardly still, waiting for him to say something,
anything, but he remained silent. Laney knew he was awake. She could literally feel his
LOVE SCRIPT Tiffany Ashley 96
mind working at rapid speed. The fact that he was still upset with her was obvious and
she wished he would just start barking at her so she could scream right back at him. His
continued quiet unnerved her, causing a ball of tension to grow in the pit of her stomach.
Refusing to be the one to speak first, she bit her lip and focused on other things,
like the sound of his heartbeat. Holding her breath, she matched her own to his,
somehow calmed by their rhythmic sound. He tightened his hold on her, an action that
made her secretly swoon. Laney kissed his chest, knowing why she needed this but not
willing to admit it to herself. Again she questioned, how could a man who held her so
close think so little of her? Feeling her eyes sting with tears, she squeezed them shut and
tried to block out their earlier argument. It was difficult, a lot of damage had been done,
but with determination she pushed the encounter to the far recesses of her mind to be
dealt with at a later date. And with a long sigh, she fell asleep to his hands massaging the
tenderness out of her rear.
LOVE SCRIPT Tiffany Ashley 97
Chapter Ten
Nick woke Laney early. They dressed and made their way back to their room.
Laney was surprised he didn t head for the gym. Instead, he climbed into bed beside her
and went back to sleep for several hours before finally getting up. Out of habit, he lay in
bed while she took possession of the bathroom. When she came out, he was sitting on
the edge of the bed waiting for her.
His voice was rough when he spoke.  Stick to the script.
She nodded.
 Regardless of how we feel toward each other, just stick to the damn script. He
rose off the bed and stood before her.  That means you sleep here every night until we re
back in Florida. No exceptions. She shot him a glassy look and stepped past him. He
grabbed her arm.  I mean it, Laney. Don t make me hunt you down again. He released
her and slammed the bathroom door closed.
* * * *
They met the Zelmans and Wrights on deck. They were now in Dominica. The
men had heard that the famous attraction there was River Tubing down the famous Layou
River. The women were helpless to resist their pleas to go. They traveled through
Roseau, the island capital, on a twenty-minute scenic drive to the Layou River Gorge in
the lush Layou Valley. After receiving a quick safety briefing they set off in tubes
floating down the river. Tall cliffs overhung parts of the river and the banks were lined
with lush tropical rain forest.
They took a break during their trip to pull into a bank to enjoy fruit and rum [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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