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He crossed his arms over his broad chest and held her eyes for a minute or two, as if he was
waiting for her to break down and admit she didn t really believe anything she just said. But that
would never happen because she did believe it. Totally and utterly. Finally, he broke the awkward
 Luce, no offense, he said gesturing to her closet,  but your clothes suck.
It was on the tip of her tongue to defend her wardrobe, but at the last second she just sighed, her
shoulders slumping forward slightly.  I know. They do, don t they?
He scrutinized her pajamas long enough that she angled her head down, thinking something was out
of place.  What s wrong?
 Do you always wear flannel pants and baggy tank tops to bed?
 Not that it s any of your business&  Ooh, her lips were starting to get numb. Nice. She grinned.
 & but yes. I do. A smile spread over his face, displaying a brilliant set of straight, white teeth.
 Such a pretty smile, she mused aloud.
 Pretty? I think I ve just been emasculated. Okay, let s go, he said as he confiscated her wine
 Just a minute, I want to show you something. After that you re welcome to finish off the bottle. If
I m lucky, you re one of those girls who like to dance on tabletops when under the influence.
She was too distracted by that image to resist when he took her by the hand and led her across the
room. Picturing herself gyrating on top of a table without a care in the world made her bust out
laughing.  No, she said between giggles.  I think I lean more toward sleepy than crazy when I drink
wine. Sorry to disappoint you.
When they reached the antique, full-length mirror in the corner, he adjusted the angle slightly so it
didn t cut him off at the neck as he stood behind her. The giddy feeling she d had a moment ago died
in her throat when she met his intense gaze in their reflection. She felt frozen in place, unable to move
a single muscle, as she watched his large hands slip into her peripheral vision and make their way to
the front of her body.
At first contact Lucie drew in a sharp breath. He pressed the thin cotton of her loose tank top
against her stomach; the heat from his palms soaked into her skin to settle deep in her belly. Slowly
his hands moved toward her lower back, his thumbs barely missing the under swells of her breasts.
When they finally met at the center of her back, the material was pulled taut over her body.
 There, he said with a slight nod.  What do you see?
She sucked her lower lip between her teeth and shook her head. She d never been comfortable
showing off her body. She didn t have the curves or the full breasts and hips that men were attracted
to. Between that and his touch short-circuiting her brain or maybe it was the wine she couldn t
deign to give him an answer more than the exhale of frustration.
 Bathing suit.
It took her a minute to respond to the randomness of his statement. If that could even be considered
a statement. Maybe two words was a phrase. Or a term. Wait, what did he say?  What?
 Where s your bathing suit? I want you to put it on so we can see your body and not the clothes you
choose to hide it with.
 I m not putting on a bathing suit.
 That s okay, he said crossing his arms.  Bra and panties ll work too.
Her jaw dropped. Was he serious? She studied the hard glint in his hazel eyes. Shit.  I ll get my
suit, she mumbled on her way to the large dresser along the wall.
 Excellent idea. I ll wait out in the hall while you change. But Luce&  She paused midrummage
through her top drawer and looked over her shoulder at him.  If you re longer than three minutes, I m
going to assume you ve chickened out, and I m coming in.
She narrowed her eyes behind her glasses.  Do you always threaten people until they bend to your
every whim?
 Of course not. I ve never had to resort to threats until you, he said with a cover model smile.
She grabbed a handful of rolled-up socks from the drawer and threw them at his head.
Unfortunately he did his bob-and-weave thing holding his injured shoulder and laughing and
managed to avoid all three cotton missiles just before he closed the door behind him.
Chapter Four
Lucie tried to be annoyed with her new roommate but found herself grinning like an idiot instead.
 Pompous ass. Same old Reid. She shook her head and returned to her search for the elusive bathing
suit.  Aha! Found you, you little stinker. Holding up the suit Vanessa had made her buy for their [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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