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to these children, and they will absorb good or evil with equal facility.
So until they have learned to choose for themselves the good things, it is
especially necessary for their natural guardians to shield them. They also
have a strong tendency to mediumship and if they are taken into seances
there is a great danger that they may become controlled. Moreover, having
such an extremely flexible nature they can never exert sufficient will power
to free themselves from the influence when once they have been subjected to
it, and it may ruin their whole life.
These children are very peaceable in disposition and suffer injury rather
than fight for their rights, not because they do not care, for they are very
jealous especially when born in the latter part of the sign, but because the
Piscean nature is averse to exertion, and generally they do not want to take
the trouble to fight for their rights. In plain English they are lazy.
Therefore the parents should see that a certain amount of work is allotted
to them during the earliest years, for it is then that the habits are formed
and the nature is the most plastic. They can learn to be diligent with must
less effort at that time than during the later stages of life. But once the
children of Pisces have commenced doing a piece of work it will probably be
a surprise to others to watch them and see the methodical way they go at it,
making every move count until the task has been completed with seemingly
very little effort on their part. Honesty is another of the virtues of the
Pisces children; they are usually dependable and close-mouthed, so that they
may be trusted with secrets in full confidence that they will not betray the
The children of Pisces are generally kind and sympathetic, cordial and
suave in manner, qualities which will of course bring them many friends.
They are notoriously fond of good things to eat, they revel in rich goods,
and are also prone to be fond of drink. If these tendencies are allowed to
work themselves out they will of course ruin the life, and besides bring on
a train of disease. Therefore the parents of these children should endeavor
by precept and example to teach them the simple life, frugality and control
of the appetite during the years when habits are formed, besides guarding
them against too strenuous exercise which even the children of Pisces will
not shun in childhood when the abundance of life force impels them. Then
later in life these lessons will not be without their fruit. The changes
are that the child which by the help of the parent has learned in childhood
to rules its stars will be both healthy and hearty, respected and loved be-
cause of good habits, and will fully enjoy life. In short, these children
need a very careful bringing up to save them from their evil tendencies and
bring out the good, but that is just what such souls come to parents for.
Their necessity is the parent's opportunity to make great and wonderful soul
The Sun, being the center of the solar system, is recognized by all as
the physical life-giver even when they do not believe in anything
superphysical; it is patent to everyone from personal observation that the
horizontal ray of the morning sun affects us differently from the perpen-
dicular noon ray, and that in summer the rays carry a life-force which not
only brings forth the verdure upon the fields, but also affects the human
temperament, and endows us with vital energy, courage and a hopeful spirit
foreign to the dark and gloomy winter months. This gloom is permanently no-
ticeable in the temperament of people living in the far north, where the ab-
sence of sunlight makes life a struggle that saps the spirit of frolic,
while in countries where abundance of sunlight lessens the cares of exist-
ence, the temperament is correspondingly vivacious and hopeful and sunny.
In the horoscope, the angel of each planetary ray at birth determines the
department of life it will affect. If the child is born at the noon hour
when the sun is at the Zenith, the daystar will appear in the 10th house of
the horoscope and bring preferment professionally. If the child were born
at midnight when the sun is directly under the place of birth its influence
would be through the Fourth House, and it would brighten the old age of the
child then born.
There are three unfortunate angels for the sun; Children born shortly af-
ter sunset have it in the Sixth House, which indicates sickness, and as the
Sun is life-giver this position lessens the vitality and recuperative pow-
ers. Birth in the middle part of the afternoon places the Sun in the Eighth
House. This is the house through which the death-dealing forces act, and
logically, the Lord of Life is out of place in the House of Death. The Sec-
ond House shows what income we obtain by our own efforts, and as the Eighth
House is opposite the Second it reveals the sources of revenue for which we
do not personally exert ourselves, that is to say, legacies, pensions or
grants of a public nature. We have known people with the Sun in the Eighth
House to acquire vast sums, millions in one case, by speculation in mu-
nicipal necessities. Such persons are often threatened by death and some-
times have many hairbreadth escapes, but even with the best of aspects to
the Sun, a ripe age is seldom attained.
When a child is born shortly after sunrise the Sun is in the Twelfth
House, which is the avenue whence we reap our sorrows, and it has been our
experience that the early life of such a person is encompassed by trouble of
one kind or another.
When the ascendant of a person is in doubt and the place in the Zodiac
which seems to fit nearest brings the Sun into the Twelfth House, the writer
has often found that the exact ascendant may be ascertained by asking the
person if his childhood's life was clouded by poverty of the parents and
consequent limitation for a number of years just after birth. This in all
the cases where it has been found that all other events fitted in the horo-
scope proved a successful method of determining the true ascendant, so that
the number of degrees from the ascendant to the Sun, the latter located in
the Twelfth House, would indicate the years of poverty, for the Twelfth
House makes for limitation in that respect, especially when the Sun is there
at birth. When the Sun by progression has passed through the Twelfth House [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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