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searing under Adam s fingers.  I never have.
Rhone groaned and grabbed Adam s hands, stilling his caress.  Not right now, he said.  I can t take
it. He took Adam s hands and stretched them over his head, locking their fingers together over the
edge of the desk. Rhone s face dropped to only half a foot away from Adam s, so close Adam saw
every sexy cut and groove around Rhone s eyes, every tick of his jaw as he clenched his teeth, every
gasp of pleasure as he took Adam s pulsing anus to the hilt.
 I love you. Adam couldn t hold the words inside. A dam had been broken that he had no hope of
repairing. He lifted his hips, following Rhone s cock as he pulled away, unable to bear being apart
even for one penetration.  You re so beautiful. I love you so much.
 Don t. Rhone gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut.  Don t say it right now. I ll lose it too
Adam pushed against the hold of Rhone s hands, reminding him that he fucked another strong man, no
matter if he closed his eyes.  I love you, Rhone Quinn.
Rhone cursed and shafted Adam s ass in lightning-fast strokes, the movement sending the sensitized
walls in Adam s rectum to fast, confused life. God, all the dildos in the world never could have
prepared him for the feel of Rhone s real cock in his ass.
 No matter what happens tomorrow -- Adam could not shut up --
 I ll love you until the day I die.
Rhone s eyes popped open and for only the third time gave Adam the opportunity to see into his soul.
 No dying, Rhone said, his voice rough and hard.  Promise me you won t leave. Ever.
 I wouldn t survive away from you, Adam confessed. Rhone s renewed vulnerability drove Adam to
new heights of risk.  Kiss me, Rhone. Please.
Rhone s gaze darkened to mercury, flashing silver light. He swooped down and took Adam s mouth
in a grinding, marking kiss. He let go of Adam s hands and clamped his fingers around Adam s jaw,
pushing down until Adam opened up and let him inside. Rhone sank into Adam s mouth, rubbing his
tongue along the length of Adam s, merging their bodies in yet another way. The kiss slowed the
powerful ramming in Adam s channel, seemed to settle Rhone down. Ecstasy raced through Adam,
shooting zapping lines of pleasure to every nerve ending in his body, creating a symphony of music
inside his soul.
Adam took possession of Rhone s tongue, sucking the nubby appendage into his mouth, tangling it
with his. His fingers drifted up, touching almost tentatively over Rhone s rough-hewn face, fluttering
his fingertips over his forehead and thick brows. Rhone shuddered above him and drove his cock
deep into Adam s ass, somehow lodging it farther inside than it had yet gone. Adam tunneled his
hands into Rhone s dark, wavy hair, brushing it away from his forehead, tucking back behind his ears
the flyaway edges that needed a trim.
Rhone pulled away, his eyes wide, almost frightened-looking, before they squeezed shut.  Oh,
Christ, he muttered, his voice raspy. His skin pulled taut over the harsh lines of his face, and just like
that, Rhone came, wet heat from his dick filling Adam s asshole to the rim.
Rhone didn t move, he didn t ram, he just stayed absolutely still as cum rushed like a faucet out of his
cock, heating Adam s clenching channel from the inside out in a way he had never felt before.
After long minutes of bracing himself on his hands, Rhone dropped onto Adam s chest and belly.
Tucking his face into the nape of Adam s neck, he murmured, his voice a little breathless,  It has
never happened like that before. Complete calm and knowing exactly how much time I have left, to
coming only a split second after I felt it building in me. That s not usual for me. I normally know I
have enough time to take care of my partner first.
 It s all right. Adam ran his palms lightly down the hard line of Rhone s sweat-covered back. He
reached Rhone s tailbone and paused.  It was incredible, more than I ever could have dreamed
possible. God, man -- Adam wiggled his ass, gasping as he reminded Rhone that he still had his
cock inside Adam --  you fucked me. What more can I ask than that?
 You didn t want to stop your hands just now, Rhone said. He levered himself up and looked into
Adam s eyes.  You wanted to touch my ass, but you don t know if you re allowed to do it. Am I
 It s okay. A blush warmed Adam s face. He turned his head, hiding his need.  I would never ask
you to give more than you already have.
Rhone forced Adam s face back to his.  Adam, you ve got a hard-on riding my stomach. Rhone
rubbed his belly over Adam s sandwiched dick.  You think I can t feel it? After just fucking you, you
think I don t know exactly where you want to put your prick until you come too?
Adam opened his mouth, but for the longest moment, nothing came out.  I& we& you don t have to do
anything you don t want to.
 Adam! Rhone grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled.  Be the man I know you are, and tell me what
you want.
Adam blinked, his gut twisting, forcing up primal emotion that he wished he could conceal.  I want to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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