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glowed and out maneuvered the swats aimed their way. His eyes shifted to her
lips, to her laughter and she quickly covered it with her hand.  Sorry& you re
just& bad ass man swatting at fireflies&  More laughter and she pressed her
lips tightly together to stifle it.
 Think that s funny, huh? He moved toward her and the fireflies
moved with him.
They began to circle her, little glowing bodies bounced off her check
and back. Barely felt as Valen stepped even closer. Brook froze; she could feel
his breath on her forehead and looked up into his beautiful eyes. She wanted to
kiss him, she intended to press her lips to his and open her body to his touch.
Thank God, that firefly bounced off her nose and broke the lusty spell. She
pushed away, wrinkled her nose and checked the window.  So, there were
trolls? That meant she was not going home today.
 Yes&  He took a deep breath and turned toward her.  More than I d
be able to handle. I m sorry, Brook. If you d like, I ll try again in a few days.
 Of course. I will return home, Valen. The fireflies left the grumpy
fairy and hovered around her. She smiled at the little devils; they were too cute
to harm.
He nodded.  Just know you always have a home here. He gently
clasped her hand.  We re friends now and& I think I may run to you whenever
fireflies bother me&  A grin etched onto his handsome face.
Indeed, they had settled upon her shoulders. Their glowing forms
waited patiently for something. She opened the door, and they swooped right
out.  Deal. She grinned. Her eyes lingered on the forest, hoping against all
odds her fairy man would appear. He didn t, the woods remained empty and
Brook closed the door with a sigh.
The day continued to be gloomy, and she spent the majority of her time
in the library. She found several books to read, created a stack on the window
seat and quickly joined them. The seat was big enough for three people so
there was plenty of room to relax.
She had no idea where the evil women, as she liked to think of them, or
Valen had wondered off. That was fine by her, the less time with the man the
better. She heard the distinct rattle of ceramic and turned to see him padding
toward her on bare feet. He looked damn good with his muscles tenses as he
carried the tray.
 I was hungry but didn t want to eat alone, he murmured, settled the
tray between them and sat opposite her.
She could use a good snack now that he mentioned it. There were two
cups of tea with milk, a little spoon, container of sugar and cute little cookie
things that smelt sweet.
 Thank you&  She popped one of those chocolate covered squares in
her mouth and had to close her eyes. There was the distinct flavor of coconut
and vanilla with a nice chewy center. It was luscious. She swallowed the
contraption with a moan and opened her eyes to Valen s stare.  It s really
 Anything that has you moaning, I have to try&  He grinned wickedly
as he ate a piece. His nod followed a series of slow chews.  Oh yes, that is
good. She smiled at him, and he couldn t seem to look away. Her lips parted
and the tea entered her mouth smoothly. He watched her delicately replace the
cup and grab another cookie.  Do you read a lot? He needed to change the
subject or he would lean over and kiss her.
 As I kid I used to. I never have time now days. She glanced at the
book in her lap and grinned.  What about you?
The red sundress he left for her was distracting as hell, he could barely
remember speaking, let alone answering her questions while her cleavage
tempted.  Yes, a good story always captures my attention.
 What s your favorite?
His favorite thing at the moment was how her dress was riding up her
thighs and her tanned skin made his cock stiff.  I can never pick just one. He
couldn t think of the title to a single novel. She looked better than anybody he
had ever known in a sundress. A breeze created a sexy chaos to her hair and
she glanced out, inhaling slowly and watched the light sprinkle of rain.  Have
you ever seen the Irish cliffs in the rain?
She straightened and shook her head.
 Want to?
With a nod, she stood and he held out his hand as he always did. She
seemed less reluctant to place her palm against his. Their fingers twined and he
led her out the door with a concealed smiled. Carrick would not win this battle.
Valen wanted to keep her for himself. She was too special to let the king of a
dying race mate with her.
The rain cooled Brook s hot skin as they ran out the door and right for
the cliffs. The wind began to blow faster; the water fell a little harder. She
didn t notice as she glanced out. It was perfection; the rain trickled into the sea,
the sound was magnificent. Birds fled for cover and here they were holding
His palm was warm against her skin, her body tingly, and she shifted
her sight toward him. It was a little glimpse, that s all. He stood beside her
with his chin high, stance wide and eyes on her. She froze as he reached out
and cupped her jaw.
Brook couldn t possible continue this path. She loved someone else,
didn t she? Thunder crackled above them and they both flinched out of the
lusty trance. He took off with her in tow toward the house. Beneath the
balcony, she found herself soaked and giggling.
The last time she played in the rain she was a kid, and it had been an
absolute blast then. Valen clasped her jaw and she faced him with wide eyes.
He shifted closer. Lightning burst through the heavens and thunder drifted
passed. Brook kept her eyes open as his lips parted and pressed against hers.
It was a kiss unlike any other. Her skin tingled, her body shivered and
pleasure swarmed her senses. Just from that little kiss and there wasn t even [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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