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with the proper strategies. Good salesmen are able to create normal attrac-
tion in people towards whatever it is they are selling. Seducers are able to
create attraction towards themselves.
As we all know sexual attraction can sometimes occur naturally with no ef-
fort. A woman talks to a guy she doesn t know and suddenly starts feeling
attraction towards him. She WANTS him. She will start to show indicators
of interest towards this guy that will signal that she is interested in him.
Consciously or unconsciously, she realizes that he is a guy that matches
her criteria.
If we reverse engineer this process we realize that we can attract a girl if we
are able to recognize what she wants and convey those things.
But first, let me tell you what they for sure don t want. They universally
don t want guys who are insecure, boring, monotone and have no sense of
humor. They don t want guys who don t respect themselves and who are
afraid to take what they want.
If this is what they don t want, then again, by reverse engineering we can
figure out things that they universally attracted to. The opposite of the traits
above  - they are attracted to guys who are secure, confident, adventur-
ous, expressive, funny, who have self respect and take what they want out
of life.
When you talk with a girl you just met, she is going to screen you for your
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personality traits. She is going to find out by your behavior if you are the
kind of guy she is searching for or not. Every time you talk with somebody
new, you are creating an image of yourself in their mind with what you do
verbally and non-verbally. Verbally by means of stories, jokes and other
things that you tell them and non-verbally by the way you behave; your body
language, voice, the way you move, the way you walk.
Basically, every time you talk with a new person you can be whoever
you want. You just need to know how to convey the traits that you would
like people to know you for. With time, they will become part of who you are
so that nobody will be able tell if you were always naturally like this or if you
worked to consciously achieve it.
It really doesn t matter if you were once a nice guy or boring or something
else that girls don t like. You just need to learn how to behave differently
and convey that different more positive personality you want and you can
become the prince that they have been searching after for years.
On the surface level, women like different things; they may like guys with
brown hair, intellectuals, muscle heads, but at the deepest most important
level all of them are searching for exactly same thing.
Write these things down on a piece of paper and memorize them so
that you can find ways to convey these to every woman you want to
Seduction Switches  All women are attracted to a guy who is:
Confident and not needy
Has a sense of humor
Knows what he wants
Adventurous and wild
Looks and dresses and smells nice
In control
Interesting and unpredictable
Honest and bold
Wants a relationship with her
And most important, CARES about her and thinks she is SPECIAL!!
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If you convey these things successfully, a woman will start to feel attraction
in her body towards you because you appear to be the guy that she has
been searching for.
The easiest way to understand this is through something I call  Switch Theo-
ry . Think of the on/off switches you have in your house for electricity? Now
imagine you have a bunch of them in one box that determines a woman s
attraction to you.
Now, those switches can be either ON or OFF. There is no value in-between...
for geeks, it s all off. What we are teaching you to do is flip all the universal
switches to ON that appeal to every woman.
What happens when you switch on most of these switches? She starts to be
show interest in you -- she starts to show IOIs (indicators of interest). When
she meets a guy who is funny, good looking, interesting, romantic, and not
needy, she becomes interested in getting to know him better and eventually
in sleeping with him.
How do you flip a switch? Let s say you want to convey being romantic. You
can tell stories where you were romantic. You can hook her with interesting
snippets of your life and make her ask you questions where you get to reveal
your romantic side. The best thing is to never verbalize it at all and let her
conclude that you are romantic by your actions. For example, a week ago
I was driving a girl home and stopped the car in the middle of a busy street
and started passionately making out with her for a few minutes. People in
the other cars honked and went crazy, but I didn t care. It was  our mo-
ment . She loved it.
It doesn t matter how you do it, as long as the you flip the romantic switch
to the ON position. Every story or action you take should say something to
her and flip her switches. When designing stories, you need to first think of
what you want to convey and find stories in your life you can tweak to subtly
communicate these. But make sure you avoid overt bragging, though. From
time to time make a joke about yourself to get a laugh and show that you are
not trying too hard to impress her.
We get attraction and hit these switches by using a combination of good body
language, stories, behavior and our sense of style. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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