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judging. They were astounded by statements like that of the Commandant of Auschwitz,
Publisher Love(+)Wisdom(=)Truth
Rudolf Hess:  I am completely normal. Even while I was carrying out the task of
extermination I led a normal family life and so on.' The judges were as baffled by the horrors
of the camps as they were appalled. Though the executions they ordered are deserving of
eternal applause, they might just as well have been sentencing men from Mars.
Yet to the SS men, their actions were perfectly comprehensible. They were the warrior elite
of a new civilisation immeasurably superior to the old, the high priesthood of the New Age,
the standard bearers of the coming Superman. Their leaders were magicians who had
formed alliances with the mystic Tibetan cities of Agarthi and Schamballah, and had
mastered the forces of the living universe. Crimes against humanity? Most men were little
better than robots, and anyway they felt little. Compassion? A hateful and sickening virus.
Conscience? An excrescence left over from the Christian era. Jews? Racial degenerates far
removed from humankind, lower than the animal and twice as dangerous. Concentration
camps? A model for the social order of the future. Extermination camps? A vital and
necessary stage in the purification of Aryan Man. Gas ovens? Efficient sacrificial ceremonies
dedicated to racial purity.
In their determined drive to bring about the New Order, the SS murdered 14,000,000 men,
women and children: roughly 6,000,000 Jews, 5,000,000 Russians, 2,000,000 Poles,
500,000 Gypsies, and 500,000 others, including nearly 200,000 non-Jewish Germans and
Austrians. This list does not include the millions who were subjected to slave labour, or who
suffered through torture or unspeakable degradation. It is deeply disturbing to have to add
that of the 53,000 SS men who managed the concentration and extermination camps, a
paltry 600 have been brought to justice.
We have now plumbed the very depths of Nazism: on the one hand, for ninety-five per cent,
 a boot stamping on a human face  forever', to quote Orwell: on the other, for five per cent,
the ecstatic intoxication of absolute power climaxed by the evolution of the Superman. Such
was the main culmination of the eruption of the daemonic in twentieth-century Germany. If,
as we have suggested, there was some mysterious force at work in the world, then the Nazi
magicians knew of it and used it, but shaped it to their own ends within the severe limitations
of their own personalities. For the sake of the magical vision of Adolf Hitler and his
associates, the Second World War claimed the lives of almost 50,000,000 human beings.
It should be with a profound sense of relief that we contemplate the second half of 1942, for
the events which then took place ensured the doom of the Nazi New Order and all that it
stood for. At last there were men of stature to oppose Hitler, and they, whatever their
innumerable personal failings, expressed the elemental strengths of their respective
peoples: Churchill in Britain, Roosevelt in the USA, Stalin in the USSR. Whether rightly or
wrongly from a purely strategic point of view, these three leaders were resolved upon the
total extermination of National Socialism. American money and equipment poured into
Russia. In North Africa, the British won a decisive victory over Rommel at El Alamein. Most
important of all, there took place the great battle of Stalingrad.
It is arguable that Hitler could have won this battle had he displayed the calculating skills
which had earlier brought him so much success. But the Führer had left the borders of the
land of reason far behind him. Earlier in the Russian campaign, Hitler had had the
opportunity of employing the Ukrainians and other nationalities who abhorred the rule of
Stalin and had welcomed the Germans, and the adoption of a conciliatory policy towards
them could well have won the war for Germany. Blinded by race-hatred, however, Hitler
adopted the tactics of terror, and roused up against him a monumental surge of Russian
patriotism which Stalin was quick to make use of.
This was a fatal error, as was the conduct of the entire Stalingrad campaign. The military
details lie outside the scope of this work; suffice to say that the Führer's blunders were
worthy of the First World War. The entire Sixth Army of 270,000 men was lost by Germany;
a mere 91,000 survived as prisoners. The German offensive had been halted for ever, the
German front smashed and reduced to chaos. Though the Army managed to recover
somewhat after the final Stalingrad surrender (January 1943) it was henceforth reduced to
fighting a long, bitter and bloody series of battles against the advancing Russians, battles
Publisher Love(+)Wisdom(=)Truth
which pushed it further and further back to the German soil from which it had originally set
The shock of the Stalingrad catastrophe could be felt, throughout the whole of Germany. The
myth of German military invincibility had been destroyed: national mourning was proclaimed
in the newspapers. Hitler very nearly broke down, and was to make only four public
speeches up until the war's end. The magnitude of the consequences of the Stalingrad
defeat was at last comprehended by, Dr Goebbels, who wrote:
 Do you realise what has happened? It is a whole school of thought, an entire conception of
the universe that has been defeated. Spiritual forces will be crushed, the hour of judgement
is at hand. 15
 Pity not the fallen! I never knew them. I am not for them. I console not: I hate the consoled &
the consoler.
 I am unique & conqueror. I am not of the slaves that perish. Be they damned & dead!
Amen.' (The Book of the Law II 48-49)
 When we depart, let the earth tremble!' (Joseph Goebbels)
From 1943 until 1945, the Third Reich battled foes who possessed between them seventy-
five per cent of the world's natural resources. It was a desperate and hopeless conflict, yet
the length of its duration is a grim tribute to the stubborn and admittedly heroic resistance of
the Germans. No matter how disastrous the situation became, German soldiers fought on
and German citizens endured as though they really were battling for an ideal. It was an
extraordinary display of morale, and much of it was evoked by the arts of that wizard of
propaganda, Joseph Goebbels. With one idea after another, ranging from the resistance of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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