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The way to break the ice is to tease. Teasing is a form of gentle
A man might be behind his walls. You want him to come out and
play with you.
Why would he play? Because no man can resist an invitation to
have fun.
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How to flirt with men
What to do if you tend to get tongue tied
Here is what you can do:
Being in love or asking a guy out is like being on stage.
It truly feels like you are naked.
Instead of putting the guy on a stand and worshipping him like a
god, imagine him naked as well, tease, play.
Tease him to break the ice.
Pretend not to take him too seriously.
This will build up the fun and bring lightness between the two of you.
Being fun is the number one quality a guy looks for in a woman.
So don't be afraid to express it.
Dare to be yourself.
This will multiply your natural charm!
In one word, it will make you totally irresistible!!!
When you go on stage the first time, it feels a bit awkward.
Because it is the first time.
Repeat the experience to feel more comfortable with it.
If you ask one guy out one time, it is a bit funny.
Now, if you try again another time, it feels already more easy.
Simply do it and every time you do it accept the outcome, accept
what happened, forgive yourself if it wasn't as good as you would
have wished.
Learn from the experience and do it again, and again.
Don't let anything hold you back from doing it.
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How to flirt with men
You'll soon become super confident at it.
If you feel it's just too much at once, practice these flirting
techniques with guys who are non- threatening to you.
It is great fun to discover these new skills in you.
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How to flirt with men
How to get a guy to notice you
Play with your eyes!
Sustain eye contact for 2, 3 seconds.
Flirt outrageously and let him notice that you check him out.
Be fun to be with!!!
No need to be frivolous or superficial, simply enjoy life.
Your inner freedom is extremely attractive for any guy.
Show him you enjoy life deep inside and that your pleasure can't be
challenged or destroyed.
Be sexy and take care deep care of yourself.
Don't worship him like a god, tease him instead.
Be confident and take risks.
No need though to put your life, health or future in danger.
Try simple steps like talking to guys more in social situations.
Be active in social situations.
Never be exclusive or clingy with him.
Stay active, open and excited about life beyond the limits of what
you share with him.
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How to flirt with men
What can you do to look sexy?
It is very simple.
You don't need to go over the top with that.
The secret lies in the choices you make.
Before you go out, check what you want to wear.
Open your wardrobe and definitely go for what looks slightly sexier
than what you would usually wear.
You know the difference between gross and sexy, right?
Ask a friend for help and advice if you are unsure.
The trick is to go slightly beyond your comfort zone and get used to
Same if you go shopping, choose for what looks sexy rather than
practical or comfortable.
Check as well with fashion magazines.
Follow the trends.
Being sexy simply means daring to show yourself in your best light.
It means putting yourself in value.
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How to flirt with men
Flirting and sexual attraction
Flirting and seduction are usually intimately associated with sexual
If you are straight, this usually means that you want to flirt with the
opposite sex.
However, you can stretch your idea of flirting.
Nowadays, the definition of flirting goes far beyond the sexual
attraction thing:
Flirting is a way of relating.
I f you are a wom an, you can flirt with another wom an without
feeling sexually attracted to her.
In fact you can flirt with anyone.
It is simply a way of relating playfully and establishing a refined
connection with someone.
The keyword here is complicity.
When you flirt, you break barriers and connect.
You put down rivalry or competition and establish a friendly
Sexual attraction can be present and enhance this experience.
No need however to limit your flirting to men you are sexually
attracted to.
You can stretch your potential if you want to and embrace your
flirting role within a much vaster definition.
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How to flirt with men
How to feel great at any social event
A social event is a set up.
It is a place with a simple rule: we are here to have fun, meet
people, share and enjoy!
It is a game!
So play the game.
Be part of it. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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