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Discovering Buddhism at Home
Awakening the limitless potential of your mind,
achieving all peace and happiness
This fourteen-module program is designed as an experiential course in
Tibetan Buddhist philosophy and practice. The teachings contained herein
are drawn from the Gelug tradition of Lama Tsongkhapa, a great fourteenth
century saint and scholar. These teachings come in an unbroken lineage
from Shakyamuni Buddha, who first imparted them some 2,600 years ago,
since when they have passed directly from teacher to disciple down to the
present day.
The realizations of Shakyamuni Buddha cannot be measured but it is said
that the Buddha gained direct insight into the nature of reality, perfected
the qualities of wisdom, compassion and power, and then revealed the path
to accomplish those same realizations to his disciples. The Buddha s teach-
ings have been presented in various ways by different holy beings over the
centuries to make them more accessible to those of us who did not have the
opportunity to meet the Buddha himself. Lama Tsongkhapa was one such
holy being and his teachings on the lam-rim (graduated path to enlighten-
ment) are the heart of the Discovering Buddhism at Home program.
In addition, two contemporary masters, Lama Thubten Yeshe (1935-1984),
and Lama Zopa Rinpoche (1945-), have imparted these teachings to their
students in a deep and experiential way, leading thousands of seekers to dis-
cover for themselves the truth of what the Buddha taught. The methods and
teachings found in this program also reflect the unique styles of these two
great teachers and are meant to help students get an experiential taste of the
Buddha s words.
There are two levels of participation that you may choose from when
you embark on this program. Within each of the fourteen modules there
are discourses, meditations and other practices, readings and assessment
questions. As a casual student you may do some or all of the above as you
wish. Alternatively, you can engage in this program as a certificate student,
in which case you will see on the summary sheet that comes with each mod-
ule the requirements to be fulfilled. With each module you also receive a
Completion Card, which you have to fill out if you want to get a certificate.
Although we recommend doing the modules in order, you don t have to.
When you have completed all fourteen cards you can receive the certificate
of completion issued by the Education Department of FPMT and the FPMT s
spiritual director, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, which simply gives you the satisfac-
tion of having completed a very comprehensive engagement with the path
to enlightenment.
Discovering Buddhism at Home is intended to be more than an aca-
demic undertaking and if you want to gain some experience of what the
Buddha taught you are encouraged to make it a personal goal to fulfill all
of the course requirements and thus qualify for the completion certificate,
which symbolizes your commitment to spiritual awakening. When you get
it you should rejoice deeply, being moved by how your mind has changed
in the process.
The Discovering Buddhism at Home package includes the following:
A different Western teacher teaches each module. You will receive these
teachings on audio CD (the length of each module varies but there are
approximately 4-8 teaching CDs per module). Additionally, you will receive
audio CDs of the guided meditations (2-4 CDs per module).
Each module also has a Course Materials text CD containing all the writ-
ten transcripts of the teachings and meditations in printed form and a text
CD containing the Required Reading materials for all fourteen modules (but
not the commercially published books, which you have to acquire on your
own and are listed under Required and Suggested Reading).
An on-line bulletin board has been created exclusively for Discovering
Buddhism at Home participants. When you purchase your first module
you will receive instructions on how to join and thus enhance your learn-
ing experience through this virtual discussion group.
Each module costs US$40. If you fulfill all the requirements it should
take you about two months to complete each one. However, you are free
to buy the modules whenever it suits you; when you finish one you can
simply buy the next. If you want to receive a completion certificate you will
also receive the support of an FPMT elder, who will reply to your answers
to the assessment questions to ensure that your understanding is on track
with and to guide you through the fourteen modules. You can purchase the
modules directly from the FPMT shop at www.fpmt.org/shop or by email-
ing materials@fpmt.org.
Other teachings of Lama Yeshe and
Lama Zopa Rinpoche currently available
Books published by Wisdom Publications
Wisdom Energy, by Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Introduction to Tantra, by Lama Yeshe
Transforming Problems, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
The Door to Satisfaction, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Becoming Vajrasattva: The Tantric Path of Purification, by Lama Yeshe
The Bliss of Inner Fire, by Lama Yeshe
Becoming the Compassion Buddha, by Lama Yeshe
Ultimate Healing, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Dear Lama Zopa, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
How to Be Happy, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche (forthcoming)
About Lama Yeshe:
Reincarnation: The Boy Lama, by Vicki Mackenzie
About Lama Zopa Rinpoche:
The Lawudo Lama, by Jamyang Wangmo
You can get more information about and order the above titles at www.wis-
dompubs.org or call toll free in the USA on 1-800-272-4050.
Transcripts, practices and other materials
See the LYWA and FPMT Web sites for transcripts of teachings by Lama Yeshe
and Lama Zopa Rinpoche and other practices written or compiled by Lama
Zopa Rinpoche.
DVDs of Lama Zopa Rinpoche
There are many available: see the Store on the FPMT Web site for more
What to do with Dharma teachings
The Buddhadharma is the true source of happiness for all sentient beings.
Books like the one in your hand show you how to put the teachings into
practice and integrate them into your life, whereby you get the happiness
you seek. Therefore, anything containing Dharma teachings, the names of
your teachers or holy images is more precious than other material objects
and should be treated with respect. To avoid creating the karma of not meet-
ing the Dharma again in future lives, please do not put books (or other holy
objects) on the floor or underneath other stuff, step over or sit upon them,
or use them for mundane purposes such as propping up wobbly tables.
They should be kept in a clean, high place, separate from worldly writ-
ings, and wrapped in cloth when being carried around. These are but a few
Should you need to get rid of Dharma materials, they should not be
thrown in the rubbish but burned in a special way. Briefly: do not incinerate
such materials with other trash, but alone, and as they burn, recite the man-
tra om ah hum. As the smoke rises, visualize that it pervades all of space,
carrying the essence of the Dharma to all sentient beings in the six samsaric
realms, purifying their minds, alleviating their suffering, and bringing them
all happiness, up to and including enlightenment. Some people might find [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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