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All right in years to come England will be a state of the
United States in much the same way as Hawaii and Alaska are
states of the United States. Eventually England will be con-
trolled by and from the United States, and eventually England
will subscribe to the Federal Laws of the United States.
Canada will be one of the leading countries of the world in
centuries to come, Canada and Brazil. Brazil at present is in a
decline, but Brazil shall rise and shall be perhaps the second
greatest country of the world, it shall in fact become  High
Brazil once again.
France and Russia will unite in years to come to really
squash Germany. France and Russia both feel menaced by
Germany, and they will unite forces to end that threat, and the
German race will be scattered among other nations in the same
manner as Jews are now scattered among other nations.
The United States and Russia will combine to defeat China,
the new China which poses a threat to civilization everywhere,
and so the Bear and the Eagle shall unite to defeat the Dragon,
and not until the Dragon is defeated shall there be any en-
during peace.
Those of you who are astrologically inclined will remember
that on February 5th, 1962, 16 degrees covered the Sun, the
Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn during an
eclipse at that time. The next time that will happen will be on
May 5th of the year 2000, and shortly before that time Hal-
ley's comet will return in April 1986. All these configurations
will lead to momentous occurrences throughout the world. It
will be the opening of a New Age, the time when hope flour-
ishes again like the gentle spring flowers which revive and
bloom anew when the winter snows give way to sunshine, and
as the spring flowers are renewed by the seasons, and the
renaissance which comes about every year, so shall Man,
Man's hopes and spiritual aspirations become renewed after
the year 2000.
It might be as well here to say something about the chang-
ing climate of this world, because almost everyone in the world
must have noticed great changes. The climate also is a worthy
subject of prediction.
In the years to come there will be many earthquakes, land
will rise and land will fall, and much land will become water.
Out in the Pacific there is a great fault extending thousands of
miles. It is a crack in the Earth's surface, and if many more
nations start letting off many more atom bombs or worse, the
crack will open a little and shift a lot, and then there will be a
whole series of earthquakes and floods.
For hundreds of years it has been possible to more or less
predict the weather. One could consult charts kept at meteoro-
logical offices and these charts would indicate that the tem-
perature of, say, Canada normally would fall between such-
and-such limits at such-and-such a time, while, for example,
in Buenos Aires there were different limits of rise and fall. It
was possible to predict the weather in Moscow, or Timbuktu,
or anywhere, by consulting records which indicated what the
average temperature should be at other equivalent times for
many, many years past. We have known what would happen
during each season, we have known if the summer was going to
be hotter than winter and what the limits of cold were going to
be, and what the limits of heat were going to be, but all this is
changing, and changing rapidly, through a whole conglomera-
tion of causes, most of them man-made.
Have you noticed that quite recently there have been in-
creasing reports of freak weather? In the United States there
have been absolutely abnormally cold winters. In Georgia the
weather has been quite a lot below zero. Arizona, that too, has
had a great deal of cold, at times 40 degrees below.
I have had letters from friends in Canada and the United
States and I get reports of freak weather, stunning cold. Then
a week later, almost a heatwave. I had a report the other day
from Niagara Falls, Canada; the weather was extremely hot,
sweltering hot, and then it became frightfully cold. In
Detroit, U.S.A., the weather has been stunningly cold, then
suddenly it turned hot.
In the North and East United States there has been dryness,
in fact April of this year was the driest ever recorded on the
United States weather stations. There was no water for the
plants, no irrigation system worked. Plants withered in the
parched ground.
I don't know how many of you have been to the United
States, but in Montana, not so far from the Canadian border,
there is a big National Park, and in that Park there is a glacier,
in fact there are several, but some have completely melted and
others are greatly diminished.
Certain areas of the United States and Canada depend quite
a lot on ski programs, programs calling for snow and ice.
Well, there has been no snow or ice and so these people de-
pending on such climatic conditions have been ruined.
In the mid-West there have been tornados, tremendous
tornados. The number and speed and ferocity of tornados has
been increasing. Quite recently there have been more than 800
tornados a year in mid-United States.
But let us leave the United States. There are other parts of
the world. I get mail from all over the world, and it does not
need mail but newspapers, to bring in information about the
weather. In England there has been absolutely freak weather, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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