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her away from himself even when they were standing only a few inches apart.
She knew then that their brief interlude had finished. They had ended up staying on the
amphib longer than expected, caught in an intricate diplomatic standoff while the
United States and Morocco tangoed over Rashid's future. But unlike their governments,
she and Rashid had found almost no chance to talk. They could have blamed many
things: lack of privacy, his need to rest, the time they spent in debriefing. None of those
reasons would have been the truth. The words they had to say hurt too much to speak.
As much as she respected his loyalty to his king and country, his sense of spirituality,
and his devotion to his family even loved him for them she wished it could have
been different, that he would come with her, for she could no more give up her life,
culture, or country than he could give up his.
Now he was going home, as was she, the two of them separated by an ocean, and gulfs
greater than they knew how to bridge.
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Catherine Asaro - The Veiled Web
Chapter Twenty
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The restaurant glowed. Its lamps sparkled, striking gleams in the china, crystal, and
silver. Lucia tried to enjoy the evening. She so rarely had a chance to talk with Mark
Spearman these days. Although they had continued their friendship, she saw him less
now than before Morocco. She wasn't sure why she avoided his company; perhaps the
reminder of what had happened, and what she had lost, was too great.
"I'm not surprised tomorrow night's performance is sold out," Mark said. "It is your
comeback, after all."
Lucia smiled. "Not much of a comeback. It's only been three months."
Despite what she had been advised to let the public believe, her reason for keeping a
low profile had little to do with her injuries, which healed fast and well. Mark had asked
her to delay her return to the stage. In fact, after she returned to the United States, she
spent several weeks in a safe house.
Mark wasn't at liberty to reveal details of the operation against the conspiracy, but when
the constraints on Lucia's life eased, starting with her release from the safe house, she
knew the authorities were closing in on their quarry. The pursuit was a global effort,
involving many countries, reflecting the international arena in which Grégeois's people
operated. In a sense, tomorrow night's performance celebrated its success; Mark would
never have accepted her comeback so easily had he thought she was still in danger.
Lucia picked up her fluted glass and sipped her drink. Bubbles tickled her throat. The
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Catherine Asaro - The Veiled Web
first time she had seen Rashid, he had been holding a glass like this, one filled with
water instead of champagne. She wondered what he had been doing these past months.
All she knew was that his government had also kept him in protective custody.
She couldn't bring herself to write him. It hurt too much. What could she say? I miss you
so much it's tearing my heart. Too sentimental. Too revealing. Nor had she heard
anything from him. Yet for all that they hadn't spoken to each other in three months,
neither of them had sought an annulment either.
"Lucia?" Mark asked. "Where are you?"
She tried to smile. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm worried about tomorrow night."
Mark understood what she didn't say. He spoke in a quiet voice. "He changed our world.
We've entered a new era and I'm not sure anyone knows exactly how to define it yet. He
gave us machines that can truly think."
"Only one." Zaki. She set down her glass, trying to cover the tremor in her voice. "And
he's dead."
Gently Mark said, "But in a way, he will never die."
Lucia knew what he meant. Pieces of Zaki existed in both Morocco and the United
States. Now that Rashid was working with the Moroccan government and military, in a
secured installation, it would only be a matter of time before he created a new AI. His
work had catapulted Morocco into international prominence, putting the country well in
the lead of a race the likes of which the world had never before seen. Since news of
Rashid's accomplishments had become public, research groups all over the globe were
striving to catch up, the United States being in the forefront with the pieces of Zaki they
had downloaded.
But no matter how many AIs they created, none would be Zaki. Although the thieves [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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