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able to parry with this mysterious soul-sapping touch. I went
[10]; Doesn t Sleep [20]; Enhanced Move 1 (Shadow Form
with Toxic as it only works on living things, and causes
only); Fragile (Unnatural) [-50]; High Pain Tolerance;
actual damage unlike Fatigue with Freezing Hazard. I figure
Numb [-20]; Shadow Form [50]; Silence 6 [30]; Talons
it s a  chilling touch in the descriptive sense, rather than
actually causing damage by freezing parts of the victim.
Spider*, Wild Animal
I chose Single Minded, Indomitable, and Unfazable as it
ST: 5 HP: 5 Speed: 5
can t be argued with or bribed or distracted, wants nothing
DX: 12 Will: 2 Move: 5
but to destroy its victim, and I have real problems with the
IQ: 2 Per: 6
idea of a floating skull being frightened off (or even caring
HT: 8 FP: 8 SM: -2
if people are weird - it just wants to KILL). I gave it Flight
with a 5 foot ceiling because that way it hovers at roughly
Dodge: 8 Parry:  DR: 0
head hight. It can t take floating as a special effect because it
Fangs (12): 1d-5 imp (Reach C) with Poison
gets the substantial benefit of not being able to be tripped or
" Poison (F): Toxic Attack 1d-2 (Follow-Up; Symptom,
otherwise disabled. Flight covers this nicely.
Stunned, 1/2 HP; Symptom, Paralysis, 2/3 HP)
Notably I didn t put any Detect: My Victim or Night
" Web 1 (12): Binding 4 (Area Effect, 2 yd; Must have
Vision or Darkvision or See Invisible on the base template,
supports; Persistent; Takes Extra Time, 1 sec; Wall)
so right now it can be defeated by basic things such as walls
" Web 2 (12): Binding 6 (Sticky)
and doors, darkness or other concealment, disguises, and
Combat Skills:
optical illusions. It can be beaten to death by a lot of people,
Physical Traits: Walk on Air (Ceiling, 10 yd; Must have
or a few very tough or nimble people, or it can be casually
supports; No forward movement)
set on fire by a fire mage, or it can be knocked about a billion
Author: Hyrneson
feet by a carefully aimed Air Jet - it has ST 0, so technically
*Original had special Arachnid meta-trait, replaced here by
-2 damage is enough to knock it back a yard. I d say that
the Spider meta-trait in the Introduction
it should be battered back 1 yard per  damage simply for
being a whispy little skull with 0 ST.
Author: Bruno
Meta-Traits: Difficult Speech (F134) [21]
*SM not specified in original; original has Chilling Touch
Immunity: Metabolic Hazards [30]
as Innate Attack, which specifically must be Ranged, so
Physical Traits: Doesn t Breathe [20]; Doesn t Eat or Drink
changed to Brawling-17
[10]; Doesn t Sleep [10]; Injury Tolerance (Homogeneous;
No Blood; No Eyes; No Head; No Neck; Only while
Insubstantial, -10%) [56]; Maintenance (1 person;
SM 0
Monthly; Requires Will Roll, -5%; Situational bonuses
Remove: Flight; No Manipulators
to Will, +5%) [-2]; Mute (Substantial Only, -10%) [-22];
Notes: Note that because it has a ST of 0 it s still utterly
See Invisible Spirits (Only while substantial, -10%) [14];
defeated by doors as it can t actually pull them open,
Unaging [15]
although at least now it can push buttons without bashing
Magical/Psionic Traits: Detect Ritual Invocation (Long
them with its face. It s also man sized, so it loses the -5 to hit.
Range, +100%; Precise, +100%; Reflexive, +40%; World-
In generally, despite being a  positive point change, this is
Spanning, +100%) [22]; Detect Supernatural Auras
simply worse from the Skull Spirit s point of view.
(Precise, +100%; Vision-Based, -20%) [36]; Telekinesis
Author: Bruno
(Costs 1 FP/min, -5%; Melee Attack, Reach C, 1, -20%)
[4, or 3.75/level]; Telesend (Costs 1 FP/minute, -10%)
Features: Affected by spirit-affecting spells [0]
Injury Tolerance: Homogeneous; No Blood; No Eyes; No
" Empathy: Empathy (Vision-Based, -20%) [12]
Neck; remove Diffuse
" Insubstantiality: Insubstantiality (Affects Insubstantial,
" Chilling Touch (17): Toxic Attack 1 HP (Affects Substantial;
+100%; Usually On, -40%) [128]
Cannot Parry; Cosmic, Irresistible Attack; Cosmic, No
" Invisibility: Invisibility (Affects Machines, +50%;
Block or Parry allowed; Melee Attack) (Reach C)
Extended, EM vision, sonar, magnetic fields, +40%;
Physical Traits: Insubstantial (Achilles Heel, Magic
Substantial Only, -10%; Usually On, +5%) [74]
Weapons, Fire spells, Air Jet; Affects Substantial; Always
" Jumper: Jumper (Costs 1 FP, -5%; Limited Access, two
worlds, -20%; Special Portal, ritual invocation, -60%;
Notes: This version can float through walls and is immune to
Warp Jump, +10%) [25]
mundane weapons. It still needs Static to avoid  nonphysical
" Possession (Spiritual): (Chronic, +20%; Costs 1 FP/min,
spells from affecting it, whatever  nonphysical spells are.
-5%; Spiritual, -20%) [95]
It is MUCH harder to stop than the traditional Skull Spirit,
" Snatcher: Snatcher (Costs 1 FP/min, -5%; Creation,
which is confounded by barriers and can eventually be
+100%; Specialized, items appropriate to spirit, -25%;
beaten down by angry villagers with sticks.
Only while substantial, -10%) [64]
Author: Bruno
" Visualization: Visualization (Based on Will, +20%; Author: Highland Piper
Blessing, +0%; Costs 2 FP, -10%; Cursing, +100%; *Added to template s DR 1 according to author s total cost
Linked, Visualization, +20%; Reduced Time 7, +140%; calculation
Selectivity, +10%) [38, or 38/level]
" Warp: Warp (Anchored, personal place of occult power,
-25%; Special Portal, ritual invocation, -30%; Warp
SM -4 (Reach C) WA
Jump, +10%) [55]
Adult: 1 lb.
Total Cost: 742 points
ST 3; DX 16; IQ 2; HT 10
Author: Jerander (3e conversion)
HP 3; FP 10; Will 2; Per 6
Speed 6.5; Move 6; Dodge 9
STELLIONIS (TEMPLATE)* Attacks: Claws 1d-5 cut/imp; Proboscis Tranquilizer
SM 0 Physical Traits: Clinging; Discriminatory Smell; Flight [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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