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 Is that banana bread I smell? I asked with a smile.
 Yes, I made it just for you, babe. I got the recipe from Claire.
I walked over and cupped her face in my hands.  Thank you, sweetheart, and good morning, I
whispered as I kissed her.
 Don t thank me yet until you taste it. I can t promise that it ll be any good.
I put my forehead against hers.  It ll be the best banana bread that I ve ever tasted. Please don t tell
Claire I said that.
I put my hands on Ellery s belly, knelt down, and kissed our baby.  Good morning to you too little
one, I said. Ellery ran her fingers through my hair as I had my ear pressed against her belly.
Suddenly, I felt something kick against me.  Did you feel that, Connor?! Ellery asked with
 I sure did! I smiled as I stood up. To be able to feel our baby moving inside Ellery was the most
amazing feeling. I took her in my arms and embraced her.  I love you, Ellery Black.
 I love you more, and so does our baby, she whispered as she buried her head into my neck.
I poured a cup of coffee as she sliced the bread and placed it on the table.  Are we going to the
doctor s office together or are you meeting me there? she asked.
 I ll have Denny pick you up first and then stop by the office to get me; we ll go together. Are you
sure you want to find out the sex of the baby? I asked her.
 I thought we talked about this, Connor, and you said you wanted to find out, didn t you?
 I do, babe. I just want to make sure that you really want to find out, I said as I took a bite of
banana bread. It was delicious, just like Claire s.  This is excellent, Elle; I love it.
 You re not just saying that, are you? she asked tilting her head to the side.
 No, I swear; I love it.
I finished my bread and coffee and looked at my watch.  Shit, I m going to be late for my meeting,
I said just as Denny stepped into the kitchen.  Perfect timing, Denny; we have to roll or I m going to
be late.
I walked over to Ellery and kissed her goodbye, making sure to bend down and kiss her growing
belly.  I ll see both of you in a few hours.
 Bye, babe, I ll see you later, she smiled.
We sat in the room and waited for Dr. Keller to come in. Ellery sat on the table, and I sat in the
chair beside her. I held her hand and looked around at the pictures on the wall of the development
stages of a baby, growing inside a mother s womb. It was a miracle to me. It was something that I ve
never thought of before, not even when Cassidy was pregnant with Camden. Dr. Keller walked into
the room and told Ellery to lay herself down on the table. She pulled up her shirt to expose her baby
belly as he squeezed some gel from a bottle onto her stomach. He turned the monitor on and started
moving the wand around her stomach. I gasped when I saw our baby for the first time. Ellery looked
at me, and a single tear fell from her eye. I squeezed her hand gently as I wiped her tear with my other
hand. The doctor pointed out the baby s heartbeat, fingers, and toes as he took measurements.
 Would you like to know the sex of your baby? Dr. Keller asked.
 Yes, we would, doctor, Ellery smiled.
 Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Black; you re having a girl.
Ellery looked at me and smiled.  We re having a girl, Connor! she said excitedly.
 I couldn t be happier, I said as I kissed her.
Dr. Keller handed Ellery a towel to wipe off the gel, congratulated us, and left the room. I helped
her up off the table and hugged her.
 I can t believe that I m going to have a daughter, I whispered.
We left the doctor s office and walked down the street to a local deli for a late lunch. We sat the
table and looked at the menus.
 I can t decide what I want, Ellery said.
 You love their chicken sandwiches.
 I know, but I want something to go with it. I m starving.
The waitress came by to take our orders. Ellery told me to order first as she was still deciding. I
ordered the turkey sandwich on wheat bread. The waitress looked over at Ellery.
 I ll have the chicken sandwich, a bowl of French onion soup, and the chef s salad with Italian
dressing. Oh, and throw in an order of French fries, she smiled.
I looked at her in horror.  Are you seriously going to eat all that? I asked when the waitress
walked away.
 Yes, I sure am. Why? Do you have a problem with what I ordered? she asked with an attitude.
 No, I don t have a problem with anything. It s just& 
 Just what, Connor?! she snapped.
 I just don t want you to get sick from eating too much, I whispered across the table.
She was sensitive these days, and I really needed to watch what I say. Cassidy already warned me
about the hormones that come with the pregnancy. She wouldn t look at me. I pissed her off with a
simple question. I reached over the table and grabbed her hand.
 Baby, look at me, I said. She was looking off to the side and refused to turn her head.  Ellery,
I m sorry. I didn t mean anything by my question.
 Bullshit, Connor! You were implying that I m fat because of what I ordered, she snapped as she
stared at me.
 No, I wasn t. I just don t want you to overeat and get sick, I said trying to diffuse the situation.
The waitress brought our food and set the feast in front of Ellery. I couldn t look at her because I
would ve started laughing. I thanked the waitress and reached over to take a French fry from Ellery s
plate; she smacked my hand. She ate everything in front of her and then took a three hour nap when we
got home.
I walked up the steps and stopped in the doorway of the bedroom that we were converting into a
nursery. The room was empty as all the furniture had already been moved out. Ellery stood in the
middle of the room, staring at the walls.  What are you doing, babe? I asked.
 I m deciding what mural to paint on the wall.
I walked into the room and wrapped my arms around her waist.  Anything you paint will be
 I ve given a lot of thought to this, and I want our daughter to have angels watching over her, like [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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