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'You stop the fighting!'
The first voice shouted, 'Do as you're told'
The corridor led to a huge, complex control room. The Doctor looked inside...
The room was filled with a strange group of soldiers. He saw at least one British and one German officer.
There were many others, soldiers from wildly varying time periods, wearing a motley assortment of uniforms.
They all carried guns - all except one of them.
The exception was a scruffy little man in an ill-fitting frock coat and rather tattered check trousers. He had a
shrewd, intelligent face and a fringe of black hair, and he was gazing worriedly into space, while the others
looked expectantly at him. It was quite clear that he was their leader.
This was the other self the Doctor had come to find - the Second Doctor.
Nearby, a tall, handsome man with a long thin moustache stood in front of a communications unit. Evidently
he was a prisoner. Some of the soldiers, including a picturesquely villainous-looking Mexican bandit, were
covering him with revolvers.
In a harsh, grating voice the tall man said, "This is the War Chief to all War Zones. This is a command, direct
from the War Lord. All fighting will cease. I repeat, all fighting in the War Zones will cease. You will stand by
for further orders.'
'Well done, Doctor!' said the Doctor.
'You've done it!'
The air in the room shimmered and everyone froze -everyone except the furiously angry little man in the frock
'You again!'
For a moment the Doctor was surprised to be recognised. Then he realised that since his meeting with the
First Doctor, he was part of the Second Doctor's memories. It was all very confusing.
Their minds touched and the Second Doctor's memories flooded in, filling yet more of the gaps in the Doctor's
As the process finished, the Doctor said, 'I see, just as I thought. War Games! What a vile scheme! But the
conditioning didn't work on everyone, so they formed a Resistance organisation, which you led to victory!'
The Second Doctor said bitterly, 'Are you going to turn up at all the most awkward moments of my lives?'
'I'm not sure,' said the Doctor. 'It's not entirely within my control. But surely this is a moment of triumph?'
'Is it?'
The Doctor slapped his other self on the back, so enthusiastically that the little man staggered.
'Of course it is! You've captured the enemy control room, taken prisoner the traitorous Time Lord who helped
The Second Doctor sighed. 'Since my mind is now an open book to you - yours still seems to have quite a
few blank pages, by the way - presumably you know what's been going on?'
The Doctor tried to order the jumble of fresh information that had just flooded into his mind.
'Let me see...With the help of a traitor
Time Lord, aliens brought soldiers from different wars in Earth's history, brainwashed them into thinking they
were still in their own time and place, and let them go on fighting, planning to weld the survivors, the toughest,
into a galaxy-conquering army.'
'That's about the strength of it,' said the Second Doctor. 'As crackbrained a scheme as I've ever encountered.
Fortunately, it has now broken down - with a little help from me and my friends of the Resistance. However,
the main problem still remains. The stolen technology that brought all these soldiers here is breaking down
as well -it can't be used to send them back to their own times and places.'
'But you've already got the answer to that.'
The little man gave him a look of satirical enquiry.
'I have?'
'Even our treacherous friend saw the solution straight away. We just send for the Time Lords.'
'Oh we do, do we? And did you happen to hear what he what he said would happen if I did? He said it would
be the end for us both - that they would show no mercy. Well, he's quite right!'
The Second Doctor folded his arms and scowled furiously, with the air of someone whose mind is made up.
'No he isn't,' said the Doctor reassuringly. 'Do you really think the
Time Lords will make no distinction between the two of you?'
'Why should they? We're both renegades who stole Time Lord technology!'
'Nonsense! Whatever your motives for leaving Gallifrey, they were neither evil nor corrupt.' The Doctor made a
quick scan of his newly regained memories. 'And since you left, you have overcome monstrous enemies. The
Quarks, the Yeti, the Ice Warriors, the Daleks... Tell the Time Lords about it - they'll listen. Make them see
that there are evil forces in the universe that simply must be fought. Just sitting back and observing simply
isn't good enough.
You have an excellent defence to offer.' [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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