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Disconnect headlamp wires at junction block,
unclip wires from fender and dash and push Aluminum Heads - With the engine cold, tighten all
headlamp cables through hole in fender (remove nuts to correct tension. Run engine until thoroughly
battery if left fender to be removed). Remove fender warm, allow engine to cool off, and then recheck all
bolts at following points: running board, brace rod nuts. Do not tighten aluminum heads when warm.
top nut, louvre panel, fender cross member (with
Tightening Torque - See Tightening (Torque Wrench)
spacers), brace to cross member screw, core baffle
Specifications below.
to fender screws (right fender only), radiator lower
tank shield screws, hood support screws, apron
support to inspection cover screw, and horn bracket to
frame screws. Lift fender off.
Right Front Fender Inspection Hole Plate Removal
This Plate replaces fender dust shield (now welded to
fender) used on 1939 models for access to valve
tappets, fuel pump, and oil pump. To remove, unlock
and raise hood, remove horn mounting bolts and Push
horns forward (in engine compartment). Raise front
end of car, remove right front wheel and 12 cap
screws along the top, bottom and front edge of plate
(under fender).
FRONT FENDER REMOVAL: - Remove wheel, raise
hood and support in open position. Remove battery
- 2 -
TIGHTENING (TORQUE WRENCH) extending up through clutch housing, lower engine in
SPECIFICATIONS place (use care not to damage clutch driving plate
assembly when engaging transmission mainshaft), pull
1935-1940 Models
wire out (this will prevent the seal from being curled by
Ft. Lbs. In. Lbs. clutch cover). Install starter after engine in place.
Cylinder Head Stud Nuts (6) 45 540
Cylinder Head Stud Nuts (8) 55 660 1940-1942 MODELS
Main Bearing Stud Nuts 91-2/3 1100
Connecting Rod Bolt Nuts 52½ 630 ENGINE ASSEMBLY REMOVAL: - All engines can
be removed as follows: Remove hood (see Hood
1941-1942 Models Removal), front seat cushion, accelerator pedal, front
floor mat, transmission hole cover, clutch housing to
Ft. Lbs. In. Lbs.
engine bolts, engine ground strap, radiator core (see
Cylinder Head Stud Nuts (6) 40 480
Radiator Core Removal), radiator stay rods and horns.
Cylinder Head Stud Nuts (8) 50 600
Disconnect generator, starter, temperature gauge, and
Spark Plugs (14 MM. Type) 28 336
oil check valve wires and remove wiring harness from
Main Bearing Bolts 75 920
clips on left side of engine. Disconnect flexible fuel
Connecting Rod Bolt Nuts 40 480
pump feed line and remove fuel line to carburetor.
Flywheel to Crankshaft 45 540
Disconnect throttle linkage leading from accelerator
Water Jacket Cover Bolt 15 180
cross shaft and remove cross shaft (pull shaft toward
Front Engine Support Bolt 45 540
spring and slip shaft out of opposite bracket).
Clutch Cover Mounting Bolts 22 264
Disconnect windshield wiper hose at manifold.
Differential Carrier Nuts 37 444
Remove spark plug wires and bracket, distributor cap,
Axle Shaft Nut 95 1140
carburetor and air cleaner. Disconnect exhaust pipe at
Wheel Nuts 65 780
manifold. Remove front engine support bolts and nuts.
Brake Anchor Pin Nuts 85 1020
Hoist engine out of car (use Tool J-917 attached to
Clutch & Brake Pedal Nuts 22 264
engine) move engine forward carefully to disconnect
Steering Wheel Nut 25 300
from transmission mainshaft. Finally, remove
Pitman Arm Nut 140 1680
distributor, generator, fuel pump and clutch.
Steering Arm Nut 105 1260
Steering Center Arm Bolt Nut 65 780 Installation - Reverse procedure listed above and note
following point. Wrap a piece of soft wire around
ENGINE REMOVAL 1939 MODELS clutch throwout bearing oil seal with ends of wire
extending up through clutch housing, lower engine in
place (use care not to damage clutch driving plate
be removed as follows: Remove hood (see Hood and
assembly when engaging transmission mainshaft), pull
Support Removal) and radiator (see Radiator Core
wire out (this will prevent edge of seal from curling
Removal). Disconnect generator, starter, temperature
gauge and oil check valve wires. Remove wire harness
along left side of engine, spark plug cables (with
brackets) and distributor cap. Disconnect flexible fuel
1940-1942 MODELS
pump feed line and remove fuel line to carburetor.
Disconnect throttle linkage and choke wire (if ENGINE FRONT SUPPORT REMOVAL: - Drain
used). Remove accelerator cross shaft, carburetor and cooling system. Remove generator, fan belt, radiator
air cleaner. Disconnect exhaust pipe. Remove front outlet hose and raise front end of car. Remove radiator
motor support bolts, flywheel guard, accelerator pedal, lower tank shield, vibration dampener (see Vibration
floor mat, transmission hole cover, clutch housing-to- Dampener Removal) and timing gears (see Timing
engine support bolts, engine ground strap and exhaust Gear Removal). Block up front end of engine and
pipe bracket at rear engine support. Hoist engine out of remove front engine mounting bolts and nuts. Take out
car (move engine forward carefully to disconnect from engine support bolt and locks and remove plate.
transmission mainshaft). Finally, remove distributor,
Installation - Reverse procedure listed above, note the
generator, fuel pump and clutch.
following points: Clean front face of cylinder block [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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