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kicked the door open and lunged at the two naked infidels like a madman, his face purple with wrath.
Sarah's head spun in his direction and she screamed. In seconds, Mike had his brother by the hair, lifting
him off the bed as if he were a mere child. "You doublecrossing bastard!" he yelled, hurling the
bewildered young man across the room. "Screwing my wife behind my back!" Gene slammed into the
opposite wall, grunting, then crumpled to the floor like a marionette, a dazed expression on his face. He
sat there gazing up at his brother with incredulous eyes, his shriveled organ still dripping its forbidden
juices. Mike crossed the room in angry strides to grab him by the throat, lifting him to his feet. "No,
wait!" Gene begged, his eyes wide with fear as his brother's fingers closed around his throat.
"Aghhhhhhh!" he cried, clawing at Mike's hands, his face reddening and his eyes bulging. "Mike, stop
it!" Sarah shrieked, fearing that her enraged husband would choke the life out of his brother. "You'll kill
him! He's not worth it, Mike!"
His fingers relaxed at Sarah's pleas. She was right. Gene wasn't worth going to prison for. Releasing his
hold on the young man's throat, Mike clenched his fist and struck his brother in the jaw. A resounding
crack filled the air. Grunting, Gene spun backward, his thin arms flailing wildly. When he toppled to the
floor, Mike lifted his leg to kick him savagely.
Screaming in pain, Gene doubled over, holding his rib cage. "Jesus," he panted, his face twisted in agony
as he rocked to and fro. "I think you just broke my ribs!"
"You're lucky I didn't break your neck!" Mike spat, feeling nothing but contempt for the cowering figure
in front of him. "If you weren't my own brother, I'd break you in two!" He grabbed his arm to yank him
to his feet. "Now get your clothes on and get the hell outa here before I kill you!"
Whimpering like a beaten dog, Gene staggered to his feet. "You don't understand," he said in a whining
voice, reaching for his clothes. "Sarah's no good, Mike. And I can prove it to you!" Jerking on his
pants, he reached for the pornographic photos on the night stand. "Here!" he said, a triumphant look on
his face as he handed the pictures to Mike. "This is what your precious wife is really like!" "No!" Sarah
protested, jumping from the bed. She tried to grab the photos away from her husband but Mike shoved
her away, sending her staggering backwards. Sobbing, the distraught brunette watched helplessly as her
husband quickly examined the photos. Her heart pounded and a sick feeling washed over her at the dark
fury in Mike's face. "Mike, please!" she begged. "Let me try to explain!" But he shot her a venomous
look. "Seems to me things are pretty damn clear. You've been cheating on me with my own brother and
posing for filthy pictures on the side!" Disgust and disillusionment flooded his entire being. How could he
have been so blind, go stupid not to see that the wife he held on a pedestal had been cuckholding him?
His eyes narrowing, he turned to his brother. "Get out!" he hissed through clenched teeth. "I'll deal with
you later!"
Gene needed no further prodding. Anxious to escape his brother's fury, he grabbed his jacket and fled
from the room, his jaw throbbing and his ribs on fire. Somehow the unscrupulous young man's scheme
had backfired. Sarah was the only person who was supposed to get hurt. "I hope he beats the shit out of
her," he muttered under his breath as he tore out the door and ran to his car.
Naked and trembling, Sarah crouched on the bedroom floor, wondering fearfully what Mike would do
to her. "Gene made me go to bed with him!" she gasped as Mike came toward her menacingly,
unbuttoning his shirt. "He said he'd show you those photos if I didn't!"
"Did he make you wiggle you ass like a two-bit whore too?" he demanded. "Did he force you to wrap
your legs around him and beg for more? And did someone force you to pose for those dirty pictures
too?" He laughed mirthlessly, unzipping his trousers. "Just how dumb do you think I am, Sarah?" he [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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