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his first try.  Wrap your arms and legs around me, Dee, he
murmured the order into Demitri s ear. For a second, as he
continued his slow, steady thrusts, Kiernan thought his lover
was too far gone with lust to do anything but hold on for the
ride. But after a couple more seconds, Kiernan felt Demitri
wrap him up.
Kiernan shivered, shocked at how good it felt to be held
by Demitri, to rock in and out of his body, and how much he
Charlie Richards
wanted to keep this man at his side& forever. Too early for
love. The voice whispered through his brain. Closing his
eyes, Kiernan tucked his face against Demitri s neck and
sped up his pace.
The way Demitri writhed and moaned, jerked and
twitched in his arms caused a well of pride to swell up
inside Kiernan. Growling roughly, he whispered into
Demitri s ear,  You ready to come, Dee? You gonna spill
your seed without me touching you? You know you want to,
don t you?
Demitri whined,  P-please.
Leaning up just a bit so he could see his lover s flushed
face and passion-glazed eyes, Kiernan kept moving as he
rumbled gruffly,  Your balls are so tight. Your shaft is
throbbing. That little tingle at the base of your spine is just
begging you to let go.
 Yes! he hissed.
 Do it, Kiernan ordered.
Demitri s eyes widened, he gasped, then his chute
clamped down hard on Kiernan s dick as Demitri stiffened
and jerked, soaking both their stomachs and abs with his
fluids. Groaning, Kiernan managed two more thrusts before
he lost it. His back bowed as he roared his release, his balls
turning pleasantly inside out as he flooded the condom.
He barely managed to catch himself on his forearms, so
he didn t squish his smaller lover. After several minutes of
ragged breathing, he heard Demitri mumble,  Wow.
Kiernan grinned, inordinately pleased by that one word.
 Mmm, he hummed, leaning down and nuzzling Demitri s
neck and cheek. When he went to kiss the man, his lover
turned away. Concerned, he gripped Demitri s chin and
pulled his face around.  Hey, what is it?
 Bit my lip, Demitri admitted.
Kiernan used a thumb on his bottom lip to pull it back,
Freeing Demitri s Wolf
revealing blood pooling at the corners.  Poor, darling, he
crooned.  What happened?
Giving him a small smile, Demitri admitted,  I guess I m
a biter, but I didn t want to without permission.
 Ah, very thoughtful, Kiernan replied.  Thank you. He
pressed a kiss to Demitri s chin. Reaching down, he grabbed
the base of his dick and the condom, gently pulling his
softening shaft from his lover. When Demitri gasped,
Kiernan looked up and gave him an encouraging smile.
 Sorry, darling. Stay there and I ll be right back.
Although getting up was the last thing he wanted to do,
Kiernan knew he had to clean them up. He was too old to
wake up with dried cum pulling on his chest hairs. After
disposing of the condom, he quickly washed his torso and
groin. Grabbing a clean cloth, he doused it in warm water
and hurried out to his lover.
Demitri glanced shyly at him through his lashes, and
Kiernan grinned at the site of his thoroughly debauched
lover. Why he found it sexy that even after what they d done
together Demitri could still blush he wasn t sure, but it was.
Suddenly, Kiernan was grateful he was at the age where his
dick didn t fill quite as fast anymore, otherwise he d want
his lover s ass again, and the inexperienced youth couldn t
handle that, yet.
Smiling, Kiernan gently cleaned Demitri up.  You feel
okay? he asked.
Demitri nodded.  Yeah. That was& that was wonderful.
 Good. Be right back, he whispered, tucking the blanket
around Demitri. Grabbing the plate of deviled eggs, he
headed down to the kitchen. By the time he returned,
Kiernan found his lover snoring softly, his chest rising and
falling in a steady rhythm.
Kiernan stared at the man for several seconds, his heart
hammering with the affection he felt. He could deny it all he
Charlie Richards
wanted, but in his heart, he knew. If Demitri walked away,
he d be devastated.
Freeing Demitri s Wolf
Chapter Eight
emitri cracked an eyelid open and blinked slowly. The
heavy arm around his waist and the heat along his
back felt amazing. He loved how Kiernan held him close,
tucked in tight against his chest, as if he truly cared. He
prayed that would transfer into the light of day.
But it was still dark. Hearing the sound of something
scraping, Demitri frowned, trying to figure out what it was.
He kept still, listening intently. Finally, it hit him. Someone
was tampering with one of the locks. Someone was trying to
break in!
It took some maneuvering, but Demitri managed to slide
out of Kiernan s embrace and out of bed. Demitri crept
down the stairs and followed the sound to the back door.
Keeping close to the floor, he crept to the door and inhaled
Mother and Father! And a couple of their friends?
Demitri spun around and sprinted on silent feet back
through the kitchen and up the stairs. He grabbed his phone
off the nightstand and dialed.  Please pick up, please pick
up, he muttered.
 Aye? Declan answered groggily.
Unable to think up any reason for his parents to be trying
to break in, Demitri hoped he wouldn t get in trouble with
his alpha and started talking,  This is Demitri. I m so sorry
Charlie Richards
to wake you, Alpha, but my parents and a couple of their
friends are at the back door trying to break in.
 What? Are ye at Frankie s? he asked, sounding much
more alert.
 No, he admitted.  I m at Kiernan s.
 Babe? Who you talking to?
Demitri froze and looked at his mate, who was levered up
on one elbow and blinking at him blearily.
 Tell him ye re talking to the police, Declan instructed,
his acute shifter hearing obviously having allowed him to
overhear Kiernan s words.  Tell him someone is breaking
into the house. Then find a safe room to lock yerself into.
We re on our way.
 Thanks, Demitri said, his heart in his throat almost
making it difficult to speak. He hung up the phone and
turned toward his mate.
 Demitri? Kiernan sat up.  What is it?
A crash from downstairs caused Demitri to jump and
rush around the bed toward Kiernan.
 What the devil? Kiernan snapped, swinging his legs
over the side of the bed.
 I ve already called the police. Come on, Demitri urged,
grabbing his arm.
 What? Kiernan glanced toward the stairs, his
expression hardening when the sound of a door opening
reached them.  Son on a  [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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