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 Oh my God, oh my God, she chanted, her movements faster, her breathing heavy. Already she
was close, he couldn t believe how responsive this woman was.
As if she might be made for him.
Yeah, those thoughts were not allowed in a moment like this, in a situation such as theirs. It was
casual, it was explosive and it was fun, but that s all it was.
He reminded himself of that daily. He wanted to believe that. There was no time for serious
relationships. Work kept him busy, she had a life and she d certainly never let on that she was interested in
him for more than just a fling.
Remember that. Keep it light, keep it fun and keep her satisfied.
Increasing his pace, he flicked his tongue against her clit before sucking it between his lips once
more, keeping up a pace he could tell she liked.
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Karen Erickson
Considering she ground her pussy against his face like a wild woman, he figured that was a
positive sign.
She reached for it. He could tell by the stiffening of her body, the tremor he felt run through her.
And then she shattered. Her clit throbbed upon his tongue. Her entire body shook with the force of her
orgasm. He continued his ministrations, softening his approach, slowly licking her until she came down
from the powerful climax that had him standing at attention again already.
 Was that more to your liking? he teased after giving her a few moments to catch her breath. Her
body still trembled, and he smoothed a hand over the sloping plane of her stomach before he moved up and
positioned himself onto his side next to her.
 It worked, she said, giving him a little shrug, her voice indifferent.
Brett nudged her shoulder with his knuckles.  I think it more than worked.
 It was all right. Once again, her seemingly indifferent attitude appeared though he swore he
caught a small smile curve her lips.
Lips he wanted to kiss. Again and again and again.
 Yeah, so all right your body is still shaking. He trailed his fingers across her smooth shoulder,
down her arm. Gooseflesh formed in the wake of his touch, and she turned to look at him. Unrecognizable
emotion shone in her eyes.
 It was perfect, she confessed, the expression on her face said she hadn t wanted to make that
 Yeah. He sobered, allowed his fingers to curve about her soft cheek.  So far everything is.
Her delicate brows drew down.  Everything is what?
He wondered if her confusion was a put on. Did she not want to go where he was unwillingly
taking it? He d just told himself to keep it light and yet here he went, sending it straight into serious.
But he couldn t seem to help it.
 Everything between us so far is just& perfect.
The doorbell rang, and she jolted into a sitting position, her eyes glancing about wildly.  I think
the pizza s here.
Saved by the bell.  I guess so.
Crawling out of bed, he yanked on his jeans and threw on an old T-shirt. Jenna settled back
against the pillows, pretending she wasn t looking at him though he d caught her glances. He knew she was
probably pondering what he d started to discuss.
So was he. And he wondered if he should pursue it.
Pursue her.
Pursue them.
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Chapter Six
 I think I m in love with the firefighter. The second the confession slipped from her lips, Jenna
pressed them together, regretting she said it.
The words hung between them, heavy in the air as Morgan stared at her with bug-eyed wonder. As
if she had never heard such a strange thing.
Which was true since Jenna had never admitted being in love with any man.
 Jen na. Morgan drew out her name in some sort of weird singsong voice that gave Jenna the
creeps whenever she used it. And she always seemed to use it when Jenna did something she disapproved
Jenna heard that creepy singsong voice a lot.
 You don t even know this guy, Morgan continued, shaking her head slowly.  You ve only been
dating him for what, three weeks?
Less than that but Jenna didn t want to correct her. She d only freak out more.  It feels like I ve
known him forever.
 That could be a bad thing, Morgan pointed out, always the practical one.
 It s the good kind of known him forever, not the bad. Jenna shook her head, feeling like a fool.
 I should ve never told you. Now you ll work your hardest to convince me there s no way I can be in love
with him.
 Well, it is pretty farfetched don t you think? Morgan immediately shut up when Jenna sent her a
dirty look.
They d gone out to dinner, one of their usual single girl weekly forays full of gossip and yummy
cocktails. Her gossip quantity was low, pretty much non-existent. She d spent as much of her free time as [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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