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on. Stroking Charlie s hair, his cheeks, his neck, Jeremy thrust and retreated until he was groaning and
panting and wound so tight, he thought he might shatter. Not just because of the physical sensations.
But because of who was making him feel this way.
When Jeremy told Charlie how much he d admired him, he meant it completely. Even before he d
known his father wasn t guilty of what they d all suspected, Charlie had thrown himself into the
team s investigation, helping however he could, denying himself sleep, and giving freely of his
expertise. All that, despite the way his father had treated him. That took character. Integrity. Strength.
And then the way Charlie had spoken to Nick earlier, building his brother up and refusing to let the
guy tear himself down. Charlie s words had gone straight to Jeremy s heart and reemphasized for
maybe the hundredth time that Charlie felt like . . . family.
He d never felt that with anyone else before. Man or woman.
The emotions fueled Jeremy s need to release, to let go, to claim.
Charlie grasped Jeremy s hand and held it against his throat, making him feel the movement of his
cock deep inside.
 Fuck, Charlie. I don t want this to end.
But then Charlie started stroking himself faster, his fist tight and flying and twisting around the
swollen head. The sounds he made became more urgent, more desperate, almost pained. And then a
strangled moan ripped up Charlie s throat. He jerked his T-shirt up his chest and came in long stripes
against his own belly.
It was too much.
Jeremy groaned Charlie s name, grasped his face in both hands, and held him tight as he buried
himself deep and splintered into a thousand pieces. The orgasm was so intense, Jeremy saw stars and
his vision went splotchy around the edges.
When it was over, Jeremy eased himself from Charlie s mouth and fixed his own clothing, then
helped Charlie sit up until his legs hung off the edge of the table. Standing between Charlie s knees,
Jer held the man s hands and gave him a million little kisses. For a long moment, they were just
together quietly, their foreheads resting against each other.
Being with Charlie felt so damn natural. Like they d always known each other. Like they belonged
together. Like they were the best of friends only so much more.
The realization that Jeremy was having these kinds of feelings about a man was surprising only
because all his other encounters had been casual, just for fun.
But this was Charlie. And that made everything different. That made everything . . . more.
Jeremy stroked his knuckles down Charlie s handsome face.  Thank you for that.
Charlie gave a small smile.  You, too. I ve never . . . done that before with someone who was
 No? Was it different? Jeremy asked.
His cheeks turned pink, just the littlest bit, and it made Jeremy smile. Charlie was adorable and cute
and sexy as hell by turns.  It was like another sensation. Cool when your skin was hot. And harder
against the back of my throat than I m used to. Charlie peered up at him from behind longish lengths
of his hair.  I really liked it, he said quietly.
Smiling, Jeremy pressed a kiss to Charlie s temple.  I really liked it, too. They both chuckled.
 I want you to know something, Jeremy said, taking a deep breath as he gathered his thoughts . . .
and his courage. But he didn t want Charlie having any more doubts. Not about him anyway.
 I ve loved the things we shared today, Charlie. For real. But what I m feeling for you isn t just
physical. It s something more. I m not sure what yet, but I . . . Jeremy shrugged.  . . . don t want you
to think this is just about sex for me.
Charlie released a shaky breath.  It s not just about sex for me either. Even before today, I wasn t
sure I d ever had a friend as close as you. Now, to find a best friend and a lover in the same person.
Honestly, I never even dared to dream that could happen for me.
Jeremy s chest filled with the warmest, sweetest feeling. He leaned in and kissed Charlie once,
twice, three times
 Hey, Jeremy, a voice said as the door opened. Kat.
What Jeremy noticed even more than Kat s interruption was Charlie scrambling out of his embrace
and shifting off the table.
Not that his actions fooled Kat for one second. The knowing look in her eyes and the smirk on her
face made that crystal clear.
Hurt pierced through the warmth that had filled Jeremy s chest a moment before, and he tried to
push it back. Charlie was shy. A little anxious. And this was all still so new between them.
 What s up? Jeremy said, squeezing the releases on the table so he could fold and put it away.
Kat looked back and forth between them for a long moment, like maybe she was debating giving
them shit, but then she thumbed over her shoulder and said,  All hell s breaking loose upstairs. You
might wanna come see.
Chapter 8
JEREMY FOLLOWED KAT and Charlie into the gym, wondering what in the world Kat could be talking
about. They weren t even all the way through the door before he knew.
Eileen had found the cat. Or vice versa. Either way, the result was the same: pandemonium.
The puppy chased the cat in circles around, over, and through the gym equipment, all the while
barking and yapping at the top of her little lungs. Every once in a while, the cat would get cornered,
and then there d be a series of hisses and a sharp yelp as Eileen pushed her luck and got her nose
swiped for it.
Jeremy couldn t hold back his laughter.  See, Charlie? I told you it would be fun.
Nick marched across the gym to where they were standing.  What in the ever-living fuck, Jeremy?
A cat?
 Aw, come on. He was over in the ruins. I couldn t leave him out there, Jer said, chuckling as the
cat finally made his way onto a shelf of equipment Eileen couldn t reach. Didn t stop the runt from
trying, though.  Besides, he only has one eye.
 Yeah, we noticed, Nick said. Eileen continued to bark up at the cat.
Shane, Marz, and Beckett joined their group.
 Can we keep him? Marz said.  Because if we re going to have a three-legged dog and a
one-legged man, then having a one-eyed cat is right up our alley.
Jeremy pointed to Marz as if he d never heard anything more logical.  See? My thoughts exactly.
Nick s gaze narrowed.  Dude. The last thing we need is animal-induced chaos.
 Actually, Kat said, elbowing Nick.  Some animal-induced chaos might provide a nice distraction [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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