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med. You can t possibly catch pneumonia until then.
 Oh. Well, in that case, I shall put on a mustard plaster tonight. And perhaps a couple of hot dogs to
keep it company.
The bell rang just as she was warming to him, but in the weeks and months that followed, they became
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fast friends. Both of them knew it wasn t going to be any mad romance, but they found they genuinely
liked each other. And Priss needed a friend desperately. The longer she was away from John Sterling,
the more she missed him. It became an actual pain to lie down at night and think about him.
By the time six months had passed and Easter rolled around, she d had all too much time to think about
how she d hounded John for the last two years. It hadn t helped that Renee had written that John was
riding around with Janie Weeks, a notorious divorcee in the district. It was probably nothing, Ren6e had
written, but people were talking about it. Still, Priss was certain John was carrying on an affair and it
hurt in an intolerable way.
She cried for hours after that, and her usually bright face was full of bitter hurt as she went to her
sociology class just before school let out for Easter vacation.
 What s wrong, Priss? Ronald asked her, his fond eyes concerned.  I say, you aren t breaking your
heart over me, I hope? He grinned.  Dying of unbridled passion...?
 Well, maybe, she teased. Then her face became serious.  I don t want to go home at Easter, she
 Good! he chuckled.  Stay here and I ll take you to a luau at my roommate s parents home.
 That sounds like fun, she said.  Really?
 Really. I ve talked about you so much, Danny s dying to meet you.
Her eyes searched his.  Well...
 Come on, he chided.  I m not trying to talk you into anything. Just friends, as we agreed.
She relaxed.  Okay. I ll stay.
 Great! he exclaimed.  I ll tell Danny you re coming. This is going to be a gala affair, old girl; they re
even roasting a suckling pig I hear. He leaned down.  Not to worry, the pig had absolutely nothing left
to live for he d only just been jilted by his girlfriend.
She burst out laughing.  Oh, you re good for me!
 What did I tell you in the beginning? he asked with a smug smile.
She relaxed a little then, because she had a concrete reason to stay in Hawaii. She didn t want to have to
tell her parents the truth: that she was dying because John didn t care enough to write to her. That she
couldn t bear to see him with another woman.
That night she called Renee and Adam from Margaret s house.
 Not coming home? Renee gasped.  But, darling, we ve made plans...
 I m sorry, she said, pretending cheerfulness,  but you remember I told you about Ronald George?
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Well, he s invited me to this big luau at his friend s home a couple of days from now, and he s such a
nice guy...well, I said yes before I thought. She crossed her fingers against the lie.
 He s the British boy, Renee recalled. She sighed.  Priss, we ve invited some people over tomorrow
night, kind of a homecoming party for you. John was coming.
She closed her eyes on a wave of loneliness and love.  With his new lady, no doubt? she grated.
There was a pause.  You don t understand, Ren6e began.  I need to explain 
 Yes, I understand very well, Priscilla interrupted, sounding mature and sophisticated.  I had a wild
crush on John, but being over here has cured me. I want someone younger, like Ronald, who can enjoy
the things I do. I m having such a good time, Mom. You don t really mind if I skip this one holiday, do
 No, of course not, Renee said,  if it s what you really want.
 It is, Priscilla said firmly.  Is Dad there?
 He s working late tonight, but I ll have him call you when he comes in if you like. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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