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 Oh, good. Want me to call Buck out and get your truck towed?
Hawk slowed down to avoid a chunk of ice in the middle of the road.  Nah, let Buck sleep. The
retired football coach had just recuperated from a triple bypass. Thanks to Dawn s letters, he was
mostly up on the town happenings.  In fact, the spare keys are in the middle console, if you could do
me a solid.
 Sure thing. Jack is with me. We ll just drop your truck off at your ranch for ya. Quiet night.
Hawk grinned.  That s mighty kind of you. Thanks.
 No problem. I hadn t heard that Dawnie was house-sitting for the sheriff. We ll make sure to
patrol around there at night until he gets home, Fred said.
Hawk stilled.  Quinn s out of town?
 Yep. He and Juliet are taking a long weekend in Billings. Didn t ya know?
 Nope. Which is exactly why the brat had agreed to go to Quinn s. She had probably borrowed a
rig and was halfway home. With a possible concussion.  Bye, Phillips. Hawk hung up and flipped a
He and Dawn Freeze were about to have a discussion about lying and playing games. She might be
savvy, but he was pissed.
She should ve taken the reprieve. He d tried to be a good guy, tried to be honorable. In fact, he d
let her leave, with his body still on fire for her. If she wanted to throw down such a dare, he was
more than ready, and there was no question the woman knew what she was doing. She d kissed him
back, full on, and she d been breathing as heavily as he d been when they d finished.
Her shrug and casual request to go to her brother s had almost masked the challenge in her eyes.
She knew he was arrogant, and she knew full well he d pick up that challenge. In fact, he d bet his
last dollar she d be waiting on her porch. So he could turn around and go home, or he could see just
how much of him she could really handle. She wanted to play games? Fine.
He hadn t lost one yet, but they d play by his rules.
Chapter Five
Men are smarter than horses& probably.
~ The Lady Elks Secret Archives
Dawn chuckled. Hawk should ve known better than to try the  I m the boss move with her. Would he
have kept kissing her if she hadn t stopped them? Part of her had wanted to continue on to definite
orgasmic bliss, and the other part had just plain and simple freaked out. He kissed better than she d
imagined, and she d imagined some amazing things. All of a sudden, she hadn t been in control.
Fire lived in Hawk Rain, and she needed time to think. Time to let her body to calm the hell down.
Time to cool off so his heat didn t end up destroying her.
She had feelings for him, and there was no denying her body was primed and ready for him. But it
wasn t just about them. Her family mattered, and Hawk s friendship with Colton was too important to
harm. And she knew Hawk wasn t home for good yet. He had one eye on the door, even while he d
been drinking with Colt at the bar. So she needed some alone time to mull things over.
Plus, Hawk had gotten all bossy, and she couldn t allow him to get away with it. Once she d heard
his truck leave Quinn s, she d borrowed Juliet s SUV to go home. Take that, bossy pants!
Mirth filled her as she pulled the Jeep into the driveway of her cabin. Well, it was Colton s cabin,
but he d moved into Mel s house when they got married, and the cabin fit Dawn perfectly. Especially
after she d deep-cleaned the place. A frozen stream wound behind the back porch while trees spread
out all around, giving the sense of privacy and comfort.
She turned off the ignition and jumped out just as her SUV lumbered down the main drive of the
sprawling ranch. The bright lights cut through the snow. Crap. How had Hawk figured it out so
quickly? Or maybe he hadn t, and he d returned to Quinn s in order to finish what they d started in the
truck and then followed her? She sucked in a deep breath, having expected at least a little reprieve
before he picked up the challenge she d definitely tossed down.
From the way he was speeding toward her house, she suspected his arrival had less to do with that
get-some gauntlet and more to do with her purposely deceiving him. Hawk in full temper was never
pretty, and he d already been pissed off at finding her in a blizzard. He wouldn t take kindly to her
lying to him as well. Ducking her head, she hustled toward the covered front porch and waited.
No way would she run.
Hawk skidded to a stop behind the truck and was out of the SUV in record time. Barreling through
the storm, he came right at her, emerald eyes blazing. Even with snow billowing around him, he
prowled like a determined panther on the hunt, graceful and deadly. And seriously pissed.
Well, geez. Talk about overreacting. She lifted her chin.  Hawk 
 No. He stepped into her and kept right on going.
Yelping, she grabbed his shoulders as he lifted her and clamped both hands on her ass. Seconds
later, her back hit the door. Not hard, but not gentle, either.
She gasped.  What 
 Where s the key? he ground out, his face in hers. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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