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5. Losses in hunting ........................................................ 228
6. Losses in inland fishery ............................................. 31
7. Losses in timber stock ................................................ 111
8. Miscellaneous .............................................................. 15
9. Losses in private forests............................................. 621
Note: The above compilation does not include losses in forestry buildings (40 mln zlotys), in
wood industry plants (90 million zlotys) and forest transportation  railways and
road equipment (16 million zlotys), which totals 146 million zlotys. This sum is in-
cluded in data on losses in 1. buildings, 2. industry, 3. transportation.
Table 6
Losses in forest management
(excluding buildings and stock)
according to branches (millions zlotys)
Sector Unspecified Soil Woodstand Dead Resin Fauna Miscellaneous Total:
losses stock and side and
and products fish
Total: 621 22 2.462 39 47 259 15 3.468
1. Forestry
a) State forests  22 2.465 31 47  15 2.580
b) Private
forests 621     228  621
2. Hunting    4  31  232
3. Fishery    4    35
Includes inland fishery.
Table 7
Losses in energy sector, industry and handicrafts
(according to material classification)
Total: 22.411
1. Losses in buildings (factories, power plants,
gas plants, handicrafts workshops) ....................... 1.828
2. Losses in equipment, machinery
and other assets ......................................................... 4.440
3. Losses in raw materials, semi-processed
goods, processed goods according
to possession on 1.9.39 ............................................. 4.771
4. Losses in confiscated industrial
production during the occupation ......................... 6.126
5. Capitalized loss through the labour
of Polish workers during the
occupation .................................................................. 5.246
Incomplete data.
Note: The above compilation also includes in point 3 losses in goods processed in other
sectors, such as transportation  323 million zlotys, army  631 million zlotys, trea-
sury (monopolies), irrespective of losses in raw materials, semi-processed materials
and processed goods in industry and handcraft. In point 2  losses in other sectors in
industrial equipment, such as timber industry 90 million zlotys, army  38 million
zlotys, administration (monopolies)  105 million zlotys, other sectors  66 million
Table 8
Losses in energy sector, industry and handicrafts
(millions zlotys)
Sector Equipment, machinery
and other assets
Total: 4.440
Energy sector .................................................... 228
Industry ............................................................. 3.562
Handicrafts ........................................................ 650
Table 9
General compilation of material losses in mining, industry,
energy sector and handicrafts
(millions zlotys)
Total: 7.523
1. Mining ............................................................ 721
2. Mineral industry .......................................... 189
3. Metal industry .............................................. 2.479
4. Electrotechnical industry ............................ 394
5. Chemical industry ....................................... 875
6. Textile industry ............................................ 704
7. Paper industry .............................................. 112
8. Leather industry ........................................... 79
9. Timber industry............................................ 146
10. Foodstuffs industry ................................... 956
11. Clothing industry ....................................... 216
12. Printing industry ........................................ 231
13. Building industry ....................................... 421
Incomplete data.
Note: The above compilation includes the value of buildings, technical equipment and stock.
The stock value of other sectors is not included.
Table 10
Losses in commerce
(millions zlotys)
Total: 7.096
1. Losses in storehouse, warehouses,
granaries ...................................................................... 350
2. Losses in equipment used
for storage, packaging, transport
and sale of goods ....................................................... 2.980
3. Losses in goods ............................................................ 3.766
Table 11
Losses in transportation
(according to material classification)
(millions zlotys)
Total: 10.591
1. Losses in railway buildings
(railway stations, sheds, warehouses) ................... 664
2. Destruction of roads, rails, bridges,
airports, ports ............................................................. 2.251
3. Losses in means of transport (aircraft,
locomotives, railway cars, sea
and river vessels, cars) ............................................. 4.509
4. Losses in workshops and technical
equipment ................................................................... 1.083
5. Losses in office equipment ........................................ 163
6. Other material losses .................................................. 119
7. Losses due to railway and transportation
exploitation during the occupation ........................ 1.800
Note: The above compilation does not include losses in coal and crude oil stock worth 31
million zlotys, industrial products used for transport, valued at 323 million zlotys,
and losses of a railway museum, all included in the data regarding industry, art and
culture. On the other hand, the compilation includes, among others, the value of trans-
port in other sectors, amounting to 687 million zlotys.
Table 12
Losses in transportation
(excluding buildings and stock)
according to respective branches (millions zlotys)
Branch Roads, Means Workshops Office Miscellaneous Total
rails, of and equipment
bridges, transport technical
airports, equipment
Total: 2.251 4.509 1.083 165 74 8.127
1. Railways 924 3.090 550 152
2. Motor roads 902  38   940
3. Waterways 56 40 10 1 107
4. Aviation 33 41 14   96
5. Meteorological
service    3  3
6. Private
transportation 161 65   226

7. Motor vehicles  490 404   894
8. Central
Management    9 37 9
9. Sea transport 175 86 67   365
10. Transport in
 697   697
other sectors
Table 13
Losses in postal service and telecommunications
(according to material classification)
Total: 700
1. Losses in technical equipment of post offices,
telephone and telegraphic networks ......................... 354 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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