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 It s a wait-and-see game. We re playing everything by ear, at the moment. The Professor s still
looking into other options. He s been running various tests on your blood, Finn s, Clara s and
Logan s. He s been working on it since you gave the first sample.
 I thought you d discovered the key was a mate s blood, Laura argued.  Isn t that what Finn
and I showed?
 If we ve learned anything so far, it s that everyone and everything is different, Abby informed
her.  Logan wasn t in the same shape when he met Clara that Finn was when he met you. Logan s
problems didn t start until after he and Clara had mated.
 When he was injected with the virus, Laura said, remembering what she d been told.
 Yes, and it still didn t bring out his animal. Tah s beast surfaced with me. Logan s didn t with
Clara. Reno s showed itself when he was shot. Logan s didn t. Everyone is different. Gideon s able
to see it s there, just like Finn s. But it s not the same. I understand that we all needed to try this. My
mate has barely slept since he found out what s going on with Logan.
 So you don t think Clara s the key, Laura realized.
 No, not by herself. I think if she was, we would have already seen it. I m with the Professor on
this one. I think the truth is in the blood. We need to look at yours in comparison to Logan s. Maybe
even compare a sample of your blood mixed with your mate s to a sample of Logan s with Clara s.
Hell, the key may lie in seeing how your blood changed Finn s. His animal is out now. Why did his
respond to being mated while Logan hasn t? They both were dealing with similar issues. Maybe
finding this out will allow us to help Kenzie more. If we can figure out what stimulates the animal s
emergence, then we could potentially reverse the effects of whatever blocker they injected her with.
The answer is there somewhere. We just need to find it.
 I ll give as much as you need, Laura promised.
 I know you will, Abby said, patting Regan on the back.  Did Logan tell you the nickname he
gave the Professor?
Abby laughed.  The Vampire King, because he s always wanting more blood from us.
 Well, he can have all of mine he needs.
 You say that now, but just wait. Soon, you ll moan like the rest of us, Abby teased.  You
 Good, you re still here, the Professor said as he bustled in, joining them. He was the same
height as Abby, just slightly shorter than Laura s five feet six inches. His silver hair was thick and
sticking up in places as if he d been running his fingers through it. He locked onto her.  You re the
key. I knew it but couldn t figure out how. Logan s cure is in the blood. Your blood to be precise.
 Why mine? Laura asked.
 We need to go, the Professor urged, waving them toward the door.  If my calculations are
correct, a transfusion of Clara s blood will put Logan right back to where he was the night he was
given the virus. He held up a vial.  I ll need to give him this.
 What is it? Abby asked as they headed out.
 I ll tell you when we get there. Best to explain it all at once. But this&  His palm tightened
around the vial in his hand.  This is the key to unleashing his animal.
They walked into noise and chaos. The door to the room Logan was in had been flung open.
Growls, snarls and roars met their ears. Laura ran the remaining distance and pulled up short in the
Logan was strapped to a table. His eyes, so much like hers, glowed neon. Reno and Tah both
loomed over him, while Clara leaned down by his ear, whispering to him. Gideon drew blood while
Diane was watching a monitor. Vic stood between Diane and the bed that held Logan.
 We don t need that blood, the Professor announced as he entered behind her.  Get me a fresh
hypodermic, Diane. I ve got exactly what Logan needs.
 What is that? Tah demanded then roared when Abby appeared in the door with Regan.  Get
out of here!
 She ll be fine. Everything will be fine, the Professor said calmly. He walked over and started
opening drawers when Diane didn t move.  An enzyme. That s what it was all along. It s not about
Clara s blood, but about Laura s. She saved Finn, and today, she s going to save her brother.
 What enzyme? Clara demanded.
The Professor found a needle and pulled it out, tipping the vial upside down and piercing the
seal.  An enzyme unique to Laura and Logan. I didn t realize it was there until I compared their
blood. She has it an abundance of it. He doesn t. There s only a minute amount displaying in his
blood. I believe it s the key to unlocking the animal inside of Finn.
 Are you sure? Tah demanded.
 Have I ever steered you wrong? the Professor demanded.  I wouldn t be here, about to inject
him, if I had any doubts.
Their gazes held before Tah finally turned to Clara.  What do you want to do?
 I trust him, she answered.
 At least, someone does, the Professor mumbled.  Now, move out of my way.
Logan was snarling, fighting to get free of the bindings holding him. He was pure animal rage.
 Logan, look at me. Concentrate on me. Hear my voice. I love you. You re my heart and soul.
Do you hear me? Clara s voice was calm again, whispering in his ear.
The Professor filled the needle and injected it into Logan s arm just as Finn and Zane charged
in. Zane zeroed in on his mate, taking Vic s place, while Finn headed straight for Laura.
 Are you okay? he asked, his hands running over her.
An alarm filled the air before Laura could answer.
 No! Diane yelled, pushing against her mate and reaching for the monitors Logan was attached
 What s happening? Laura asked, her gaze bouncing all over the room, trying to take it all in.
 Logan! Clara screamed, her terror and grief tearing at everyone.  Don t you leave me! Don t
you dare leave me! Logan! Logan!
Tah and Reno began ripping off the bindings.
 Come on, pup, Reno urged.  Don t give up on me now.
 Fight, Logan, Tah demanded.  Dig deep and hold tight!
They were falling apart. Diane was beating at the machines, somehow missing the button that
would stop the alarm, so the blaring noise continued. Zane had one hand on his mate, the other
reaching out to grasp the bed, holding Logan. Regan fussed in Abby s arms, as if she were picking up [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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